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Reporting a change or variation to your HMO Licence

When should I report a change / variation to my HMO Licence?

You must apply for a Variation to your HMO licences in any of the following situations:

  • The current owner or manager changes their name
  • The current owner or manager changes their address
  • You would like to increase the maximum number of occupiers
  • There are substantial changes to the property layout or accommodation
  • There is a change in management arrangements

Can a HMO licence transfer from one person to another?

A HMO licence is issued to one person and cannot be transferred to anyone else. A new licence will be required in all circumstances .

Who should report a variation to a HMO Licence?

Only the current licence holder can report a variation to their HMO Licence.

What will I need before I report a variation to my HMO Licence?

Before you report your variation, please gather the following evidence:

  • Both the owner and the manager need to agree to the variation. A signed letter is required if the applicant is not acting as both owner and manager.
  • For substantial layout changes, an up to date floor plan is required. This doesn’t need to be to scale, but should indicate the use of all rooms and the presence of all fire precaution equipment. This can be hand drawn but a photo of the drawing will need to be uploaded to your application.

There is no fee for reporting a variation to your HMO Licence, however should you wish to add additional
rooms/units to your current licence, the difference in original fee payment will need to be paid ii.e £179 will be charged for every room/unit added to the initial licence.

Report a change or variation

You can report a change or variation online