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Dweud eich dweud

As a child or young person it is difficult sometimes to get adults in your life to listen to your wishes and feelings and to understand what you want.

It can help to have an adult who can support you and help you ‘have your say’ and to make sure you are listened to; these adults are usually called an ADVOCATE.  An advocate could be your parent or carer, a teacher, youth worker or any other adult that you trust.

If you have a Social Worker/Aftercare Worker or need support from Social Services then you are able to get an advocate to help you.

An Advocate can help you:

  • Have your say in any meetings that are held about you and your family
  • Help you to get the support that you want
  • Support you to get your wishes and feelings heard
  • Advise you of your rights
  • Support you with problems in school or with health services

If you would like an advocate then you can speak with your Social Worker or contact the Advocacy Service that is run by an independent charity called TGP Cymru. They can be contacted on:

If you are a young person who is not involved with Social Services and need advice and support you can contact the National Advocacy Service MEIC Cymru:
