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Request a Building Control Inspection

You will need to request a Building Control Inspection for the following stages of your works:
Request a building control inspection
 Stage of Work Notice Requested
 Commencement  2 Days prior to inspection
 Excavation for foundations *  1 day prior to inspection
 Concrete foundations *  1 day prior to inspection
 Oversite preparation before concreting  *  1 day prior to inspection
 Oversite concrete  1 day prior to inspection
 Damp proof course laid *  1 day prior to inspection
 Waste pipes and soil pipes  1 day prior to inspection
 Reinforcement before concreting  1 day prior to inspection
 Roof timbers before covering  1 day prior to inspection
 Floors, walls, beams, prior to plastering  1 day prior to inspection
 Drain ready for inspection *  1 day prior to inspection
 Drain backfilled and ready for test *  Within 7 days
 Occupation of the building *  5 days prior to occupation
 Final completion *  Within 5 days

* The inspection stages indicated are Statutory Notices under Regulation 14; Building Regulations 2000.

To request an inspection please contact 01443 281156