The Council owns a diverse range of land and property assets that make an important and positive contribution to achieving corporate objectives. The quality, condition, sustainability and suitability of our operational assets have a direct bearing on the quality and deliverability of front line services.
It is, therefore, extremely important that these assets continue to be managed in a proactive and efficient way to allow for the changing requirements of our customers, staff and legislation.
Strategic Asset Management for land and buildings is the activity that ensures that the land and buildings of the Council are optimally structured in the best corporate interest. It seeks to align the asset base with the Council’s corporate goals and objectives. The Council’s land and property assets are held as support to the main business of the Council, which is to provide services. First and foremost, property resource must be used to maximise benefit to service delivery.
The asset strategy is set out in this Corporate Asset Management Plan for Property Assets for 2018/2023 (CAMP). It has been developed to ensure that asset management is applied in terms of the long term strategic view of the land and property portfolio.