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Essential maintenance
Our E-account and E-Claim systems will be offline from 8am on Saturday 8th February until 8am on Monday 10th February 2025. We apologise for any inconvenience.
A to Z of Services
Walking and cycling in Rhondda Cynon Taf - have your say
Walking and Cycling trails
Walking and Cycling Trails
Walking and Cycling Trails
Walking routes
Waste & Recycling Climate Friendly Tips
Waste Services – Trade Waste Charges 04/11/24
Water pollution
We Care - Cwm Taf Morgannwg
Weather Warnings and Flood Alerts
Weekly list of Planning Applications - View the list
Weighbridge operators licence
Weights and measures
Welcome from the Director
Welfare - animals
Wellbeing Assessments
Well-being of People and Communities Consultation
Wellbeing with CARI
Welsh Beef with Ale and Croutons (Serves 4)
Welsh Church Act Fund
Welsh Church Act Fund Privacy Notice
Welsh Government Guidance - Thinking about a Care Home
Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) 2022 – 2032
Welsh Language Service Privacy Notice
Welsh Language Standards – Commissioned Partners
Welsh Medium Education
Welsh medium education for learners with ALN
Welsh medium playgroups
Welsh medium playgroups
Welsh Medium Schools across Rhondda Cynon Taf
Welsh Services
Welsh/ Central Government Fuel/ Energy support schemes Privacy Notice
Western Rail Link to Heathrow Airport
What are Children's Services Safeguarding responsibilities?
What are the Love Where you Live Awards?
What can be recycled at the centres?
What can I recycle in the RCT Trade Recycling Scheme?
What can I recycle?
What can your allotment recycle in your green waste?
What facilities and support is available?
What happens when I'm in care?
What happens when my child approaches adulthood?
What if my child is in Foster Care?
What if my child is in Residential Care?
What is a CAFCASS Cymru Guardian?
What is a Care and Support plan review meeting?
What is a Care and Support Plan?
What is a Care and Support Plan?
What is a Child Looked After (Care and Support Plan) Review?
What is a Child Protection Enquiry? (Section 47)
What is a Pathway Plan?
What is a Referral?
What is a Review Conference?
What is a Social Worker?
What is a Social Worker?
What is a Voluntary agreement? (Section 76)
What is an Assessment for Care and Support?
What is an assessment?
What is an Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO)?
What is an Initial Child Protection Conference (ICPC)?
What is care and why have I come into care?
What is Family time?
What is my child's Care and Support Plan?
What is Public Law Outline (PLO)?
What is reunification?
What is Scrutiny?
What is the Child Protection Register?
What is the Childcare Offer Wales?
What is the Childcare Offer?
What is the Local Development Plan?
What is the role of a Councillor?
What support is available to parents/carers of a child with a disability?
What support will my child get with their education?
What you could find in RCT
What's in my area?
What's New - RCT Together
What's on
What's On at the Big Welsh Bite
What's On in RCT
Wheelchair accessible vehicle contacts
Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles
Where can I walk my dog?
Whistle blowing - Report a concern
Who is eligible for the Childcare Offer Wales?
Who is eligible for the offer?
Who might be part of that plan?
Why is an Active Lifestyle important?
Why work for Rhondda Cynon Taf Council?
Wildlife and Flora
Wildlife and Flora
Winter Welcome Centre - Expression of Interest Invitation
Winter Welcome Centres
Work & Skills
Work Experience - Make an application
Work Programmes
Work Programmes 2018 to 2019
Work Programmes 2019 to 2020
Work Programmes 2020 to 2021
Work Programmes 2021 to 2022
Work Programmes 2022 to 2023
Work Programmes 2022 to 2023
Workforce Administration Privacy Notice
Workforce Plan
Working as a Childminder
Working for the Council
Working in a Day Nursery setting
Working in a Sessional Care setting
Working in a Welsh Medium Childcare setting
Working in an Out of School setting
Working in Rhondda Cynon Taf Schools
Working with others
Working with Partners to Deliver Better Services
Working with people with a learning disability'
Working Within Adult Social Care at RCT Council
Workplace Recycling Regulations 2024
Works on the highway
Works on waterways
World Menopause Day
World Mental Health Day
A to Z of Services
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