The ways in which local government organisations procure is changing. Whereas previously there may have been a particular focus on looking towards procurement to deliver financial savings, there is now a shift away from the traditional ‘price and quality evaluation’ towards also ensuring that economic, social, environmental, and cultural wellbeing outcomes for the local community are considered for each procurement process. We have a responsibility to manage public funds with probity and therefore look to continue to deliver value for money while seeking to ensure we are delivering sustainable outcomes that benefit the communities we serve.
The procurement duties contained within the (soon to be published) Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Bill begin with an overarching duty on contracting authorities to seek to improve the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of their areas by carrying out public procurement in a socially responsible way. This means taking action to achieve the well-being goals and the fair work goal (together, the ‘socially responsible procurement goals’), for as many contracting processes as possible.
To maximise the potential wider benefits while contracting with external organisations, it is essential that the delivery of social value, and support of local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are considered as part of the procurement process. Alongside this, ethical and fair practices are in place throughout the contracted supply chains. We must continue to be committed to being open, transparent and fair for all.
To help meet these requirements the inclusion of a number of Social Value Measures will be included in all appropriate tenders over £75k.
To view our Social Responsibility Policy click here.