Neighbourhood Networks are local partnerships of council services, organisations and local groups that are working together to deliver services and activities and to develop communities further. Neighbourhood Networks are focussed around Community Resilience Hubs and can influence developments within communities.
- Enabling communities to have a say about the services they need, the priorities, and how they are organised and delivered
- Ensure the right people get the right support at the right time
- To provide a place for local people and partners to identify solutions to local issues
- To support communities to become more resilient by sharing people’s skills and experiences
- To build on our strengths and resources i.e. community facilities, community groups and people
- Improve information, advice, assistance and support to individuals
- Increase opportunities for communities to have a voice, be heard and listened to
- Encourage people to be more involved in changing and shaping their Neighbourhoods
If you would like to know more about Neighbourhood Networks in your area and how to get involved, please contact your local Community Co-ordinator
This map shows the Neighbourhood Network areas of work. Cross- boundary work will also take place.