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Modernisation of Residential and Day Care

The Council’s Cabinet have considered recommendations for the future delivery of residential and day care services.

The Cabinet considered the feedback received through the 12-week public consultation which took place earlier this year and the recent considerations of the Council’s Overview & Scrutiny Committee.

A report to Cabinet on Wednesday, September 11, recommended which Care homes should be retained and invested in by the Council, alongside investment in delivery of the provision of Extra Care. The Council will initiate a further 12 week consultation this autumn.

Key Proposals:

The recommendations of Officers which were considered by Cabinet include:

  • The local authority continuing to take a lead in the delivery of residential care in RCT
  • While these proposals do include plans to decommission some care-homes, there is significant retention of local authorityled homes; there is the opportunity to ensure larger Extra Care facilities are also managed by the local authority’s experienced and valued workforce.
  • The recommendations ensure local access to in-house provision is available to all those who choose it throughout the County Borough.
  • The consultation evidences clear support for the Council to focus upon providing an improved range of services for those residents with more complex needs.
  • For day care, the report recommends Members agree to the development of a new day services model.
  • Key to the proposals is delivering better care facilities for a new generation of older people, by taking proactive steps now to respond to future needs.
  • Importantly these proposals have the potential to maximise the opportunity for older generations to live independently for as long as possible into the future.
  • If the recommendations of Officers are agreed by Cabinet, the Council will initiate a further 12 week consultation this autumn, what where staff and residents will have the opportunity to provide their views again.
  • The report makes clear that it is not possible for the Council to respond to future challenges or meet the needs and expectations of future older generations within our current residential arrangements.
  • It is proposed that if any home(s) were decommissioned this would be done on a phased basis, dependent on individual circumstances. Such as alternative accommodation becoming available or new extra-care facilities open.

Cabinet agrees further consultation on future residential care options (September 11, 2019)

Report to Cabinet 11/09/19

Modernisation Of Residential Care And Day Care For Older People (PDF - 1.64 mb)

Decision Notice

Modernisation of Residential Care and Day Care for Older People (PDF - 76kb)
