With advice changing on a regular basis, I wanted to make you aware of the current advice in respect of staff testing for Covid-19 and provide you with an update on the wellbeing helpline service for staff.
1. Staff Testing
The following information relates to all staff that are considered critical for business continuity. Please note that this process does not apply to social care staff for whom a separate process is already in existence.
If you are identified as staff member who is essential to business continuity and, you, or a member of your family (living in the same household), start to experience symptoms of Covid-19 you can be referred for testing.
In respect of these testing arrangements, symptoms of Covid-19 are:-
- Fever (37.8c or higher)
- A new or continuous cough
- New onset of influenza (flu) like illness ((including muscle aches and tiredness)
- Cold like symptoms (including headache, runny nose, sore eyes - that is not consistent with hay fever)
- Loss of sense of taste or smell
- As soon as an employee, or their family member(s), experience any of the above symptoms they must self-isolate and contact their manager. Their line managerwill then fill in the testing referral spreadsheet, which will be used by Public Health Wales, to arrange the test. (Please note staff will only be offered an appointment for a test if they are displaying symptoms and have been self-isolating for less than 5 days. A member of their family (living in the same household) will only be offered an appointment if they are displaying symptoms and have been self-isolating for less than 12 days)
- If an employee is eligible for testing, they will be contacted for testing and invited to attend an appointment at the testing facility at Cardiff City Stadium, Leckwith, Cardiff. The testing centre is a drive through facility and staff will need to provide a car registration number to you in order to be referred for an appointment. Travel expenses can be claimed for travel to and from the testing site. If staff are unable to arrange their own transport then they must contact their manager so arrangements can be made to support the employee to attend for the test.
- Test results will be text to the staff member.
- On receipt of their test results staff have to inform their manager of their fitness to attend work.
- Further advice on testing can be obtained via Occupational Health on 01443 494 011.
2. Staff Wellbeing
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in several of our staff members seeing huge changes to their working practices. During these unprecedented times many staff members have either been deployed to other service areas or are now carrying out work from home. On top of this, the pandemic brings exceptional pressure to staff lives that none of us have had to face in our lifetime. As a result, our physical and emotional wellbeing are at risk of being negatively affected.
With this in mind the Council are keen to provide easy to digest advice that may help during these difficult times. The information and support via the RCTSource and the Wellbeing Helpline have now been further developed to provide additional support and resources as follows:-
- The Council’s Health and Safety team have produced useful infographics (see attached) for staff working from a desk, either from home or at a base of work. This includes information on how to optimally setup your work station, as well as some valuable information on taking regular micro-breaks;
- The Occupational Health and Wellbeing service, in conjunction with leisure services have developed material on exercise, sleep and nutrition which may help improve wellbeing that can be found in the attached booklet and also available in an e-learning package on the RCTSource. There are also a number of local and national wellbeing resources for staff to access;
Should you wish to access emotional support, support with exercise or nutrition, or just want someone to talk to, please contact the wellbeing helpline via email at:- WellbeingHelpline@rctcbc.gov.uk or telephone any of the numbers below:-
07384 910 525
07384 910 527
07384 910 524
07384 910 491
07799 116 571
07384 910 487
07824 496 496
07769 164 673
07557 573 813
07880 044 475
07384 910 488
07385 086 789
07385 086 111
07385 086 830
In addition to the RCT Council Wellbeing line, there is also now a dedicated Wellbeing line set up which could support your friends and family. If you have friends and family living or working in RCT and are employed by a business with less than 250 employees whom you feel could benefit from some wellbeing support, please pass on details of the Staying Well @ Work Covid-19 Wellbeing Helpline. The Wellbeing line is a free service which offers confidential support on a range of health and wellbeing issues in the form of coaching, advice, signposting as well as referrals for counselling.
Our professional team are on hand to offer individual support, creating a safe space for people to discuss any issues that are affecting them. Please encourage anybody you feel may benefit from accessing the helpline to get in touch either via email at StayingWellatWork@rctcbc.gov.uk or by phoning any one of the following numbers:-
07384 910524
07384 910525
07384 910527
07384 910528
In respect of this update, please can you share this information with those that may not have email access.
Best wishes to all during this difficult time,
Richard Evans,
Cyfarwyddwr Adnoddau Dynol / Director of Human Resources
Adnoddau Dynol, Pensiynau, Gwasanaethau Caffael a Thrafodion
Human Resources, Pensions, Procurement & Transactional Services