Empty Property Loans are loans being made available through the Houses into Homes Initiative to enable the renovation and improvement of single properties or the conversion of empty properties into a number of units, so that they are suitable for use as residential accommodation.
Individuals and companies can apply for a loan, if they already own an empty property or are considering buying an empty property in Wales.
Loans can only be made available for properties that have been empty for at least six months or more.
The maximum loan amount you can apply for is £25,000 per property or unit, up to a total maximum of £150,000, per applicant. Please note that any loan offered, taking into account any existing mortgage cannot exceed 80% of the current property value.
How do I get more information about the loan scheme?
All persons making an enquiry will receive a Houses into Homes pack which will include:-
- Information booklet
- Application form
- Upon request: Example of a Loan Facility Agreement and Example of a Legal Charge Agreement
If you would like to discuss your property or require further clarification, then please do not hesitate to contact:
Tel: 01443 281136
Email: housesintohomes@rctcbc.gov.uk