The Home Improvement Loan is an interest free loan available through Robert Owen Community Banking for homeowners to make their homes safer, warmer and greener homes.
RCTCBC have partnered with Robert Owen Community Banking to offer an interest free loan to owner-occupiers. Loans are available for amounts between £1000 and £15,000 and are repayable up to a period of 5 years with no early repayment fees and no set up fees.
Eligible Work
The loan is available for a variety of building work including windows, doors, damp-proofing, disabled access, kitchens, bathrooms, stairs, plumbing, electrics, plasterwork, floors, roofing, chimneys and brickwork.
The loan also supports boilers, wood burning stoves and energy efficiency measures (e.g insulation and some renewable energy installations).
Apply and Further Information
For how to apply and more information regarding the Robert Owen Loan and how to apply can be found on the Robert Owen Community Banking website or by contacting them on 01686 626234.