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Planning Consultations

Neighbours adjoining the site of any proposed development are notified of the development proposals by letter and are allowed 21 days in which to make comments.

Some applications will require site notices and/or advertisements in the local press. These include applications in conservation areas, on listed buildings, major developments, and those which represent a departure from local plan policies.

Planning application files are available for public inspection at the One4All Centres at Sardis House, Pontypridd, and online - Search the Register.

For non-householder applications part of the consultation process involves consulting statutory consultees such as Welsh Water Dwr Cymru, Environment Agency Wales etc.

Planning Officers Consideration

While external consultations are being carried out, the planning officer will visit the site to assess the proposal. The visit can usually be carried out without an appointment if no access is required to your property/ the site. During the site visit the planning officer will note, for example, the following:

  • Impact on existing building
  • Impact on street scene
  • Any windows/doors on neighbours buildings which may be affected
  • Details of boundary treatment
  • Impact on neighbouring properties
  • Impact on trees/landscape.

The planning officer will take into account the planning policies that apply within the borough. These are detailed in the Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Development Plan. If amendments to the proposal are required, the planning officer will contact you, or your agent if you are using one.

Any amendments to the proposal must be provided within a specified time. In these circumstances the consultation process may be repeated, allowing a further 21 days to make comments.  

Contact Us

For further details please contact us.
Telephone: 01443 281130 / 01443 281134 Email :