The ALN Act began to be implemented in September 2021, and children and young people are gradually being moved from the old SEN system to the new ALN system. Implementation of the ALN system set out in the ALN Act for children will be phased in up to and including school year 2024 to 2025.
From January 2022 the ALN system commenced for children up to, and including, Year 10 who had SEP via early years action/early years action plus or school action/school action plus and attended a local authority nursery, local authority school or PRU on 1 January 2022.
Local authorities are responsible for learners with additional learning needs (ALN) from 0 to 25 years, ensuring they can access suitable education and/or training, including compulsory education and specialist post-16 education or training where necessary.
The ALN Code imposes mandatory requirements on LA’s in respect of:
Information and advice services: The Family Liaison and Complex Case (FLACC) Team liaise with children, young people, and others to share information and advice about ALN and the new system ensuring it is accessible for all who need it.
Avoiding and resolving disagreements: LA’s must plan for avoiding and resolving disagreements. If disagreements arise, the FLACC team liaise with families, children, and young people at the earliest opportunity to resolve disagreements at the most local level.
Independent advocacy services: The FLACC team work closely with SNAP Cymru as an independent advocacy service to support families where disagreements arise and where mediation may be required.