Section 5 of the Licensing Act 2003 (as amended) places a requirement on each Licensing Authority to prepare and publish a Statement of Licensing Policy to outline how the authority will exercise its licensing functions under the Act in respect of licences for the sale of alcohol, provision of entertainment and provision of late-night refreshment.
The Statement of Licensing Policy must be renewed every 5-year period.
RCT Council is currently reviewing its policy which is open for any person to make comment.
Draft Licensing Policy 2025 - 2030
All responses received within the consultation period will be considered to ensure the policy remains fit for purpose and relevant to the Borough.
Each response will be provided to the licensing committee along with the amended report, should the report be endorsed it will be forward to Council for final approval.
Personal details of respondents will be held locally and disposed of in accordance with the Council disposal and retention policy.
The consultation closed on the 21st July 2024.