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Town Centre WIFI

Free-to-access Wi-Fi to be made available in Town Centres.

Free public-access Wi-Fi will be rolled out across the County Borough’s seven Town Centres to support -

  • Increased attractiveness of our Town Centres
  • Improved access to public services which are increasingly available online
  • Improved learning opportunities through the use of web-based learning materials.

Delivering upon a commitment made by the Council in 2017, free-to-access public Wi-Fi will be installed in Town Centres in another proactive step to support the County Borough’s high street businesses. These Facilities will be provided by Blue Sky Solutions.

Your Personal Information

To access Town Centre WIFI within our specified locations, Blue Sky Solutions may collect personal data in order to provide the free WIFI Service to you.

For further information on how Blue Sky Solutions manage your personal data, you can view their privacy policy via the following link.

County Borough Councillor Mark Norris, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, said:

“Providing free-to-access Wi-Fi capability will provide another important boost for our Town Centres, and will deliver another unique benefit to encourage residents and visitors to shop locally.

“Initially, the provision will be available within Aberdare and will then be rolled out across the remainder of the Council’s Town Centres over the calendar year. Free Wi-Fi is another positive investment in our Town Centres, with the aim of encouraging residents to spend local and visit our towns for longer periods, taking advantage of the wide variety of businesses on offer. “While there is significant potential for this investment in technology to increase Town Centre footfall, it is also about supporting local businesses, and independent traders, to operate more digitally.

“As we hear on a regular basis, everyone’s individual shopping habits are changing and this is one of the biggest challenges facing local high streets across the UK. The ability to operate in a more digitally-focused way will support local businesses to engage with a wider range of customers, and in doing so support the sustainability of local businesses and our Town Centres. “This investment once again demonstrates our commitment to do all we can to support our Town Centres businesses and local high streets, for the benefit of the wider community.”