Resources that you might find useful in your work or studies.
Code of Practice for Social Care
The Codes are available at
There is also a Code of Professional Practice for employers of social care workers.
This is available at
New online safeguarding training now available
New online training is now available to help people across Wales spot the signs of abuse, harm or neglect of children or adults. The pack gives learners a practical understanding of safeguarding and has been developed by Social Care Wales in line with the Wales Safeguarding Procedures, launched in 2019.
The e-learning module is mainly aimed at those working in the public and voluntary sectors. This includes those looking to work in social care, early years and childcare, as well as in health, the emergency services and local councils.
Access the course at
Free Welsh course for social care workers
Social care workers in Wales can now learn Welsh for free thanks to a new online course.
We’ve created the Camau course in partnership with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and the National Centre for Learning Welsh especially for people working in social care.
It offers bitesize, flexible learning that focuses on the Welsh words and phrases workers are most likely to need when they’re communicating with the people they support. The Mynediad module is suitable for beginners and takes around 60 hours to complete, in three sections of 20 hours. It counts towards registered social care workers’ continuous professional development and everyone who completes it will receive a certificate.
“Using Welsh - even just a few words, can help people feel included and more at ease.”
Access the course here: Social Care Wales | New free course helps social care workers learn…
Infection Prevention and Control
Good evidence informed infection prevention and control (IP&C) practice is essential for maintaining a safe environment for everyone and reducing the risk of the spread of infection and infectious diseases.
Access the information here: Infection prevention and control | Social Care Wales
The Good Work framework
- supports the development of effective dementia learning and development approaches
- makes sure dementia care and support is in line with ‘what matters most’ to people with dementia
- is based on theories of positive psychology.
These theories:
- focus on meaning and purpose
- build on strengths rather than address deficits
- use positive strength-based language that’s central to a strength-based approach.
People are at the heart of the Good Work framework. This means their independence and well-being is vital to the way we work. It also means we should recognise people depend on each other or ‘interdependent’. For example, with family, friends, paid care staff and local communities.
A simple, practical guide that organisations and partnerships can use to put the dementia Good Work framework into practice.
Stories from the sector
We have collected stories from real people who work in social care in Cwm Taf, please click on the links below to access the resources
Free National Training Courses for those in Wales
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