The Child Protection Register is confidential and is a list of children in the local authority deemed to be at significant risk of harm.
Certain professionals can seek information about whether a child’s name is on the register. It also places a duty on professionals working with a child to share information with the child’s social worker if there are any significant events or changes to a child’s circumstances.
What is a Child Protection Plan?
A Child Protection Plan is a plan produced by you as parent/carers, the social worker and the network involved in your child/children’ life. It lays out actions that are needed to keep your child/children safe and reduce the risks to them. It will be reviewed and adapted monthly at the core group.
What is a Core Group?
Whilst your child/children’s (or the child/children you care for) names are on the Child Protection Register, monthly meetings will be held with you and key professionals to ensure the Child Protection Plan is progressing and any new information/issues are discussed.