The purpose of the Cylch Ti a Fi is to offer parents and carers an opportunity meet regularly to enjoy playing with their children and socialise.
Ti a Fi groups provide activities promoting the development of children from birth to school age. It’s a brilliant opportunity for parents/carers to meet, socialise and share experiences in an informal Welsh atmosphere.
Children will have the opportunity to:
- enjoy playing and making new friends
- enjoy playing with toys
- learn to sing simple Welsh songs that you can sing together at home
- listen to Welsh stories and look through books
- play with water and clay
- …. and really enjoy themselves!
As a parent or carer you will also have the opportunity to enjoy yourself . Everyone is welcome at a Ti a Fi, even if you don’t speak Welsh or are a Welsh learner. Come along and find out more about the benefits of speaking and learning Welsh for you and your children.
Ti a Fi groups near you
View Ti a Fi groups via the DEWIS website
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- Freephone: 0800 180 4151
- Freephone from mobiles: 0300 111 4151