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Home improvement renovation grants

Renovation grants are only available in exceptional circumstances where your property is deemed a danger to health, safety and welfare of the occupant or the public.      

Grant Criteria

The Council recognises that occasionally, circumstances will arise where, in the interest of public health, safety and welfare, it is necessary to provide renovation assistance, despite the fact the property is not included in a renewal area or does not feature in the Council’s strategic investment projects.          

Therefore in circumstances where:         

  • the health and safety of the occupier, the occupier of the neighbouring property or the general public is at risk, or                  
  • delay in dealing with the defect may lead to significant deterioration in the fabric of the building e.g. structural collapse,

The Council will consider approving assistance to remedy the defect if renovation is the most satisfactory course of action.


Applications will only be considered from owners who have owned and lived in the property for a minimum period of five years.

Empty properties will not be considered for a Renovation Grant.

What works are included?                

General repairs required to remedy defects that are affecting the occupant’s ability to live comfortably at the property. Works could include provision of bathroom facilities, damp proof course, concrete floors, re-plastering, rewiring and plumbing repairs.               

Assistance will be also considered to address structural defects along with associated works, as well as to combat a serious out break of dry rot that is active and progressive and that has a serious effect on the structural integrity of the property.

No assistance will be considered for works outside of the property including the rebuilding of retaining wall.

What is the maximum grant available?                

The maximum grant available for Full Renovation Grant Assistance is £35,000 plus ancillary fees.    

Grant Conditions

You will be required to live at the property for a period of five years following completion of the grant works. The council would require repayment of the grant if you were to sell the house during the five-year post grant period.                

Before the grant approval you will be required to agree to a Land Registry charge being placed upon the property for a period of 5 years from the date of the completion of works.                

Once you have received an approval from the Council you will be required to complete the work within twelve months. If you have not completed the work within the allocated time period your grant will be cancelled.       

 Contact Us

Housing Grants

3rd Floor,

Sardis House,

Sardis Road,


CF37 1DU

Tel: 01443 281118