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Make a Sustainable Drainage Application

An application demonstrating compliance with the Statutory Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDs) of surface water systems serving new developments must be submitted to the SuDs Approval Body (SAB) and approved prior to commencement.

Completing your application form

A standardised application form has been produced and all sections within the application form must be filled in. Any form that is not completely filled in will be classified as invalid and the SAB will refuse to determine the application. When completing your application, it is recommended that you utilise the Statutory Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems and Sustainable Drainage Statutory Guidance. The applicant must take into account Table A and Table B found within the application form when developing all supporting documents.

It is strongly emphasised that unless pre-application advice States differently, where an application does not provide sufficient supporting documentation as outlined within the application form (Table A and B) then the SAB will find the application as invalid and will refuse to determine it.

Submitting your application for SAB approval

In order to submit an application for SAB Approval, you must use our online form.

Please note: As part of the online application, all supporting documents must be uploaded and submitted.

SuDs Application Procedure

Following submission of an application, the application will undergo a validation check to establish whether it is valid for determination. The period of determination will only commence once the SAB determines it has all necessary information and the correct fee paid. A simple step by step guide is demonstrated below:

    1. Applicant submits an application via the online form and the SAB will issue a letter of acknowledgment which will contain a unique SAB reference number;
      It should be noted that the ‘Unique SAB Reference Number’ will be required for any future communication with the SAB including payments.
    2. The SAB will undertake a review of the validity of the application to determine whether application submitted is valid for determination;
    3. 3a  Providing the application is classified as a ‘validly made application’, the SAB will notify the applicant of the decision and request that the applicant pays the correct fee related to the size of the construction area
      3b  In the event that the application is classified as ‘not validly made’ then the SAB will notify the applicant of this with the reasoning behind it and the SAB will refuse to determine the application.
    4. Where the SAB has determined that an Application has been ‘Validly Made’ and the correct fee is paid by the applicant; then the SAB will issue a letter to the applicant notifying them the determination period has commenced.

Fee related to Application

A national fee structure related to application fees has been set out in the Statutory Regulations Published by the Welsh Government. The detail of which can be found within the following Regulation. The Sustainable Drainage (Application for Approval Fees) Regulations 2018.

Use our calculator tool to calculate the potential fee of your application. Please note, this is subject to change after validation of the application by the SAB team, and therefore is for guidance only.

Fee calculator

Application Fee:

(subject to official SAB calculation)

Making Payment

Due to Covid-19, our staff are currently working from home. Therefore, to arrange payment via debit or credit card, please notify the SAB of the contact details of the payer and the SAB will arrange for payment to be processed. If another form of payment is required, please contact the SAB at