What is Flood Risk Management?
Types of flood risk and how it can be managed by Risk Management Authorities to reduce the risk of flooding.
How to Report a Flood
Who to contact if you experience flooding and how to contact them.
Sustainable Drainage
Details of Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act and guidance on how to apply for consent from the Sustainable Drainage Approval Body (SAB).
Consent and Approval
Helpful advice and guidance on how to apply for various consents from the SAB and Lead Local Flood Authority in relation to flood risk management.

Helpful advice and guidance on how you can enhance your flood resilience and become more prepared against the impacts of flooding.


View the Council's strategy on how we are working to reduce the risk of flooding from local sources in Rhondda Cynon Taf.

Details on how to sign up for weather warnings and flood alerts.

Useful information of land drainage responsibilities, associated enforcement powers and helpful advice on the rights and repsonsibilities of riparian landowners.

Under Section 21, we are required to maintain a register and record of all structures and features that are likely to have a significant effect on flood risk in the area.

Details of the Council's completed and ongoing Flood Alleviation Schemes across Rhondda Cynon Taf.

We have duty to investigate and publish reports on flood events that occur within Rhondda Cynon Taf to the extent we consider it necessary or appropriate.

Information on the SAB and Lead Local Flood Authority's enforcement powers and the associated consequences of them.