We try to keep the roads clear of significant obstructions and spillages whenever they occur or are reported.
You can report an obstruction to us if it could be of danger or nuisance to road users, or hold up traffic. Common obstructions are:
- Weather-related obstructions - fallen trees, flooded areas and snow drifts
- Dead animals on the carriageway
- Overhanging trees and vegetation
- Mud/Debris on the road
- Skips, scaffolding/ hoardings, building materials or street cafes which are only permitted under licence
- Advertising boards
- Walls, gates, fences and hedges placed across the highway
- Goods displayed outside shops beyond any private forecourt
You can report any of the above obstructions or spillages on the road or pavement online
Please note: If the report is deemed an emergency e.g danger to life or limb, AND is outside of normal office hours (8:30am - 5:00pm Monday to Friday) please contact us on our emergency out of hours telephone number 01443 425011.