The Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Development Plan (LDP) 2006-2021, was adopted on the 2nd March 2011. This document will guide development throughout the County Borough until 2021. The plan contains details of new housing, employment and retail sites and also policies, which will be used to determine planning applications.
In order to provide further information regarding some of the policies and topics within the Local Development Plan, Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) has been prepared by the Council. These documents are a material consideration used in the planning application process and you are advised to consult these documents before applying for planning permission.
Local Development Plan policies and proposals should be founded on a thorough understanding of their areas needs, opportunities and constraints. Local Authorities are required to prepare and maintain an up-to-date information base on all aspects of the social, economic and environmental characteristics of their area, to enable the preparation of a ‘sound’ development plan. This information baseline is collectively known as the Council’s evidence base. The Council also has a Local Development Plan library in which Local, National and Regional documents which have also informed the plan, can be found.
Review and monitoring are key elements of the Welsh Government’s approach to the planning system. In order to assess the effectiveness of the Core Strategy and policies the LDP will be subject to an annual monitoring process. Monitoring will allow the Council and others, to assess how effective the Core Strategy and its policies are in encouraging or restricting various types of land use and delivering development.
As part of the monitoring framework the Council will prepare an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR). The AMR will provide a mechanism for reporting the data collected as part of the monitoring exercise and assessing the effectiveness of the LDP.
Any future consultations related to the Local Development Plan and accompanying documents will be published on the Council’s consultation page.
If you would like further information on any of the above topics you can contact the Development Planning Team:
Development Planning Team
Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council,
Floor 2,
2 Llys Cadwyn,
CF37 4TH