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Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE)

All local authorities are legally required to have a group that monitors and advises on religious education. The Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) has performed this function in the past and will be replaced by the Standing Advisory Council (SAC) to oversee the RVE element in the new Curriculum for Wales which is currently being rolled out across Wales. 

Both groups are made up from representatives from Christian and other religious/belief denominations, teachers’ associations, and representatives from the local authority.

The establishment, membership and activity of these groups is regulated under The Education Acts of 1944, 1993, the Education Reform Act of 1988 and Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021.

View the latest report of the activity of the Rhondda Cynon Taf SACRE 

There is no report available for the SAC at the moment, but future reports will be available from here.

Rhondda Cynon Taf Agreed Syllabus Conference on Religion, Values and Ethics

Members have reviewed the agreed syllabus for Religious Education (RE) and the arrangements for the new ‘Religion Value and Ethics’ (RVE) will be implemented in September 2022 as part of the wider Curriculum for Wales.  Some schools have opted to begin in September 2023.

View the new Agreed Syllabus for Rhondda Cynon Taf

The group have also brought together a number of resources that may be of help to educators and curriculum planners, view Supporting Material. This page will be regularly reviewed, and the group are happy to take recommendations through the email address below.

For further guidance on the Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council agreed Syllabus and the RVE Curriculum, please contact the Clerk to the Standing Advisory Council (SAC):

Relationships and Sexuality Education

Relationships and Sexuality Education is a mandatory part of the new curriculum for Wales. 

Please find the answers to frequently asked questions