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Recruiting Volunteers

 Planning ahead...

  • What do you need in place before recruiting?
  • How will you ask for help?
  • How can you support new volunteers?



  • Clear role descriptions including what skills are required and how much time is involved.
  • New ways to promote your volunteer roles and a welcoming recruitment process.
  • The ways you will make your new volunteer feel supported and a part of the club.


Top Tips

  1. ASK for help! Often people are willing to help but they just need to be asked. Create an online advert and share it on social media. Come up with creative ways to ask existing members and family members through social media groups. Organise a club evening or post adverts in the local area.
  2. Audit your club network! What skills and/or jobs do your members, and their families have? Are there any former club members or local community members that have the relevant skills or experience to support your club?
  3. Share the benefits of why they should volunteer at your club! Will your club provide kit, access to courses and/or invites to club/social events as rewards? These will all make a new volunteer feel part of your club. Make sure they understand how their support will benefit your club, your members and the wider community.


Ensure new volunteers...

  • Are given a welcoming induction
  • Understand their role and responsibilities
  • Feel supported
  • Understand the club procedures and policies
  • Know who to go to for help
  • Feel part of the club and have what they need for the role (including kit, training or resources)


Retaining volunteers

All volunteers should be:

  1. Valued! A ‘thank you’ goes a long way. Do it privately, or publicly via social media or during a club meeting/event to make it even more special.
  2. Developed! Encourage volunteers to progress and learn from each other. Provide training opportunities if/when required.
  3. Supported! Check in regularly and offer help even if the volunteer hasn’t asked yet.


How can we help?

  • Recruiting Volunteers: We can promote your volunteer opportunities on social media, our website and app, as well as to our network. We can help you to create adverts and provide examples of templates for you to recruit internally within your club.
  • Supporting Volunteers: We can help you to apply for funding for course/training costs. We can also provide resources and templates that will support them in their role.
  • Recognising and Rewarding Volunteers: We recognise and reward community volunteers via our Volunteer of the Month competition. We can also provide ‘thank you’ templates that you can use on social media.