Business Rates are collected by the Council on behalf of the Welsh Government. All business rates collected are paid into a central 'pool' and then redistributed across Wales to help finance your Local Government and Police services.
Business Rates are a form of local taxation but they are not a direct service charge for the provision of services such as trade waste collection. Should you wish to have your waste collected please view our commercial waste information for further details.
Business Rates are payable by the occupiers of commercial properties, such as shops, offices, pubs, warehouses and factories.
However, there are other commercial interests that business rates are payable for, for example, telecommunication masts, advertising rights, cash machines and car parks.
If you use any part of a business premises you will be liable to pay business rates to the Council, even if you have a business rate inclusive rental agreement.
Even where a business premises is empty or unoccupied, the person entitled to possession of that premises will have to pay business rates (empty property rates).
Your premises will be given a rateable value by the Valuation Office Agency which is used to work out how much rates you will pay.