The Licensing Act 2003 introduced a system to allow small-scale events to take place at any premises without a premises licence or designated premises supervisor, called Temporary Event Notices (TEN's).
A TEN can cover small events involving no more than 499 people at any one time, and can last for up to 168 hours (7days). The cost of each TEN is £21.00 and payments can be made via telephone on 01443 570033
Apply for a Temporary Events Notice (TEN)
To apply for a Temporary Event Notice, the event organiser will need to complete an application form and serve two copies to the Licensing Authority, one copy to South Wales Police and one to the Environmental Health Department.
There are two types of TEN which are subject to different processes:
- a standard TEN - given no later than ten working days before the event to which it relates
- a late TEN - given not before nine and not later than five working days before the event.
Standard Temporary Event notices
Ten working days” exclude the day the notice is received and the first day of the event.
The police and Environmental Health Officer (EHO) have a period of three working days from when they are given the notice to object to it on the basis of any of the four licensing objectives.
Although ten clear working days is the minimum possible notice that may be given, prospective users of TEN's are directed to the Authorities Licensing Policy concerning the service of TEN's in order to ensure the success of the event. In short the policy advocates that a period of 3 months notice is given.
Late Temporary Event notices
Late TENs are intended to assist premises users who are required for reasons outside their control to, for example, change the venue for an event at short notice.
Late TENs can be given up to five working days but no earlier than nine working days before the event is due to take place and, unless given electronically to the licensing authority, must also be sent by the premises user to the police and EHO. A late TEN given less than five days before the event to which it relates will be returned as void and the activities to which it relates will not be authorised.
A key difference between standard and late TENs is the process following an objection notice from the police or EHO. Where an objection notice is received in relation to a standard TEN the licensing authority must hold a hearing to consider the objection, unless all parties agree that a hearing is unnecessary.
However If the police, EHO or both give an objection to a late TEN, the notice will not be valid and the event will not go ahead as there is no scope for a hearing or the application of any existing conditions.
No more than 15 TEN’s can be given for one premises per calendar year, subject to the maximum aggregate duration covered by the TEN’s of 21 days per calendar year.
Any one aged 18 or over can apply for a TEN but may only have 5 per calendar year. A personal licence holder may have up to 50 TEN's per calendar year.
You can apply for a TEN online via the GOV.UK website