How we use your personal information for Welsh Language Services purposes
The Council provides services for local communities and the people who live in them. Undertaking this work means that we must collect and use information about the people we provide services to and keep a record of those services. Because we collect and use personal information about individuals we must make sure that they know what we intend to do with their information and who it may be shared with.
We have summarised in this privacy notice some of the key ways in which we may use any personal information for Welsh Language Services purposes. This information should be read in conjunction with the Council’s corporate privacy notice.
1. Who we are, what we do.
Welsh Language Services helps all Council services to meet their Welsh Language obligations under the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 and The Welsh Language Standards (No.1) Regulations 2015. The Council received its Compliance Notice on 30th September 2015 and is required to comply with 171 standards under the aforementioned legislation.In short, the Council must:
- promote and facilitate the use of the Welsh language, or ensure that the Welsh language is not treated less favourably than the English language as services are provided.
- consider the effect of its policy decisions on people’s ability to use the language and on the principle of not treating the Welsh language less favourably than the English language.
- ensure the body deals with the use of the Welsh language within the organisation for example, ensuring that the Welsh language is not treated less favourably than the English language with regards to employment, welfare and training matters and ensuring that all members of staff have the opportunity to learn Welsh.
We do this by:
- Translating written material on behalf of services
- Providing real-time (simultaneous) translation services for example at meetings
- Providing support, advice and guidance to services on complying with the standards.
- Producing internal reports on the numbers of Welsh speakers / Council compliance etc.
- Providing reports to the Welsh Language Commissioner on compliance etc.
2. What and whose personal information we hold?
Due to the nature and range of services we provide the personal information we process will vary. We have listed below the key services that we provide and what personal information we may collect and use as part of that service:
- In order to deal with resident / public queries:
- We sometimes receive direct contact (for example by letter or email) from residents in relation to Welsh language matters. If the contact we receive requires a reply we will keep a record of this contact. The contact will usually consist of the resident’s name, address, contact information and any other personal information relevant to the query. If individuals contact us directly with regards to a complaint, this information will be shared in line with the Council’s complaints procedure.
- In order to provide translation services:
- We provide written translation services for other Council services. In order for us to provide this service it is sometimes necessary for the service who is requesting the translation to share personal information with us i.e. within the subject matter that is to be translated. Sometimes this information may be of a sensitive nature for example, if it is a care plan or fostering letter that enquires translating.
- We also provide a simultaneous translation service (e.g. face-to-face translation at Council committee meetings). When providing this service we may be required to verbally translate personal information. This information will vary depending on the nature of the meeting and the matters being discussed.
In addition to the above, individual services within the Council will also maintain records relating to Welsh language skills and language preferences. Examples include:
- Language preference choice for its residents and service users so that we can communicate with them in the language of their choice.
- Internal information and reports by on Welsh speaking employees and service compliance with the Welsh language requirements.
3. Where does the service get my information from?
In the main, we receive the above information:
- Directly from the individual e.g. in a letter they have written to us or where we are providing a real-time (simultaneous) translation.
- From another service of the Council where they require your personal information to be translated in order to respond to a request / query etc.
- From staff – surveys, Inform language preference, recruitment record (used by Human Resources and Services)
4. What we will do with your personal information?
We will use this personal information to:
- Deal with and respond to any queries where a resident has contacted us directly.
- Provide written translation services
- Provide real-time (simultaneous) translation services• Investigate and deal with complaints from the regulator
- Provide advice and guidance to services and support them to maintain accurate records in relation to:
- Staff Welsh Language skills
- Language preference record for residents
5. What is the legal basis for the use of this information?
Data Protection law says that we are allowed to use and share personal information only where we have a proper and lawful reason for doing so.
The Welsh language Services’ lawful basis for processing personal information is:
- To undertake our official Council duties and to satisfy our legal obligations under the legislation:
- All Welsh Ministers, County and County Borough Councils and National Park Authorities are subject to a set of rules which are listed in The Welsh Language Standards (No.1) Regulations 2015.
6. Does the service share my personal information with any other organisation?
- Internal Council Services – in order provide translation services.
- Welsh Language Commissioner’s Office in relation to complaints and compliance.
- Trusted external / freelance translators commissioned by the Council to provide services on our behalf. Any translators used by the Council must be a members of the Society of Welsh Translators and Interpreters and abide by their Code to Conduct.
7. How long will my information be kept?
We will retain your personal information for statistical purposes only and it will only be accessed in relation to the functions mentioned above. Correspondence will be kept for a minimum of twelve months for statutory reporting purposes.Electronic copies of translated documentation are kept in order to assist in maintaining an effective and efficient service in line with industry standards.
8. Your information, your rights
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives you important rights, including the right to access the personal information the services hold about you.
Click here (insert link) for further information on your information rights and how to exercise them.
9. Contact us
If you have any concerns or would like to know more about how the service using your personal information please contact us in one of the following ways:
- By email :
- By telephone : 01443 570001
- In writing : The Pavilions, Cambrian Park, Clydach Vale, CF40 2XX