Privacy Notice | Description |
Access & Inclusion |
The Access & Inclusion Service works with and provides support to children and young people who have special educational needs or are vulnerable learners. |
Adaptation and Community Equipment (ACE) Service purposes
The Adaptation and Community Equipment (ACE) Service has been developed to undertake an assessment and provide equipment/adaptations or commission equipment and/or appropriate preventative or community services. |
Admissions |
The Council's School Admissions Service administers the process that supports parents in applying for school places for their children. |
Adoption |
This privacy notice explains how we process personal information for the purpose of Adoption Services. |
Adult Education |
The RCT Adult Education service provides a range of learning opportunities to Adults within the authority.
Adult Safeguarding |
This Privacy Notice explains how the Council processes personal information when responding to reports of suspected abuse or neglect made about individual adults from partner agencies and members of the public.
Adult Services Assessment |
Privacy notice relating to the processing of personal data by Adult Services for the purposes of assessment and/or reablement services.
Altered Images’ Heritage Project |
This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information for the ‘Altered Images’ Heritage Project
Anti Social Behaviour |
The Anti Social Behaviour team deals with reports of anti-social behaviour, tackles perpetrators, problem locations and supports victims of anti social behaviour.
Arts Service |
This privacy notice is about how we use your personal information for arts engagement activities organised by the Council’s Art Service. |
Attendance & Wellbeing |
The Council’s Attendance and Wellbeing Service supports children, young people and their families who are experiencing problems or difficulties that impact on their child’s ability to attend school or take part in learning. |
Breakfast Club |
Privacy notice relating to the processing of personal data by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council for the provision of a Breakfast Club at the School.
Bereavement Service |
Bereavement Services provides burial and cremation services throughout the County Borough at 14 cemeteries and 2 crematoria.
Blue Badge Parking Scheme |
Blue Badge Parking is managed by our Customer Services department. The scheme is developed to assist people with disabilities or health conditions that affect their mobility park closer to their destination, whilst displaying their Blue Badge Parking Permit.
Call Recording |
This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information for call recording purposes.
Carbon Footprint |
This privacy notice is intended to provide information about how Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council (referred to as ‘RCTCBC’, ‘Council’, ‘Local Authority’, ‘we’) will use (or ‘process’) personal data about individuals for the purpose of the Carbon Footprint Calculator.
Care & Support |
The Care & Support team work with vulnerable adults who have complex needs.
Carers Support |
This privacy notice explains how the Carers Support service processes personal information.
Care 2 Work and Step in the Right Direction |
The Care2Work and Step in the Right Direction programmes are provided by the Employment, Education and Training Team.
Catering Special Diets |
The Council’s Catering Services aims to improve food and nutrition in our schools to strengthen pupil’s health and wellbeing and raise standards of learning and attainment for our pupils. As part of this service we cater for pupils with special dietary requirements. |
CCTV - Council Buildings & Establishments |
This privacy notice summarises some of the key ways in which establishments throughout Rhondda Cynon Taf uses personal information for CCTV purposes. |
CCTV - Public Open Spaces |
This service manages the CCTV system for public open spaces throughout Rhondda Cynon Taff. |
Child Care Delivery |
The Childcare Delivery Team oversee the quality of child care settings for both Council run and commissioned (external) settings.
Child Care Delivery Training |
The Child Care Delivery Training Team oversee the quality of child care settings for both Council run and commissioned (external) settings.
Child Care Development |
The Universal Childcare Development team oversees the support, development, and sustainability of all childcare providers in RCT.
Childcare Offer for Wales |
Welsh Government funds 30 hours of combined Foundation Phase Nursery Education and childcare across Wales for working families of 3 and 4 year olds for 48 weeks per year. Rhondda Cynon Taf administers this scheme on behalf of Bridgend County Borough Council and Merthyr Council.
Child Licensing |
The Council’s Attendance and Wellbeing Service supports children/young people and their families, chaperons, production companies and employers who wish to apply for a Child Performance Licence, Child Employment Permit or Chaperon Licence.
Children Safeguarding |
We have summarised in this privacy notice some of the key ways in which we use personal information for Children’s Safeguarding purposes.
Client Finance Privacy Notice
Privacy notice relating to the processing of personal data by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council for the purpose of the Client Finance (Assessment) Team |
Concessionary Travel Card Privacy Policy
Rhondda Cynon Taf’s Integrated Transport Unit administers the Concessionary Travel Card Scheme for its elderly and disabled residents, on behalf of Welsh Government, and in conjunction with Transport for Wales.
Consultation |
Consultation captures the views of residents, service users and staff via a range of methods with information collected helping to inform Cabinet and Senior Officer decisions affecting service planning, delivery and budget setting.
Community Asset Transfers |
We have summarised in this privacy notice some of the key ways in which we use your personal information for Community Asset Transfers |
Community & Children Service's |
Community & Children Services provide a wide range of essential social care services for adults, children, young people and families. |
Community & Children Services Young Person Privacy Information |
Childrens Services provides different types of care, support and help to children and young people of all ages and backgrounds living in Rhondda Cynon Taf.
Community Development and Neighbourhood Network
Privacy notice relating to the processing of personal data by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council for the purpose of Community Development.
Community Meals |
The Council’s Community Meal Service supports adults to live in their own homes by providing a quality meal and ensuring clients have a daily contact with others. |
Community Mental Health Team |
This privacy notice explains how the Community Mental Health Team processes your personal information.
Community Recycling Centres Body Worn Cameras
This privacy notice is intended to provide information about how Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council and Amgen Cymru (collectively referred to as ‘we or us’ in this notice) will use (or ‘process’) personal data about individuals for the purpose of Community Recycling Centres Body Worn Cameras |
Communities Working Together for Children’s Health (CWTCH)
The CWTCH programme is an integrated Early Years programme delivered in RCT and funded by Flying Start.
Complex Learning Disability Team |
This privacy notice explains how the Complex Learning Disability Team processes your personal information.
Corporate Estates |
The Corporate Estates service provides comprehensive asset management services for the Council. |
Corporate Feedback |
The Corporate Feedback department responds to complaints, compliments and comments. |
Cost of Living & Discretionary Cost of Living Support Schemes |
The Council’s Revenues and Benefits Service deliver the Cost of Living and Discretionary Cost of Living Support Schemes for its residents, on behalf of the Welsh Government. The schemes are intended to provide immediate support as Wales recovers from the pandemic and support households to deal with the impact of increasing energy and other costs. |
Council Tax |
As the Billing Authority for Council Tax, we hold certain information about you, which we use to administer and collect Council Tax. |
Council Tax Reduction |
As a Council, we administer a Council Tax Reduction (CTR) scheme to help people who are on low income with their council tax. |
Council Tax Single Person Discount |
This privacy notice explains how we review your eligibility for Council Tax Single Person Discount.
Creditor (Payments) |
As the Payments section of the Council, we collect and hold certain information in order to process and administer supplier payments. |
Customer Services |
Customer Services is the ‘Front Door’ to the Council, including a 24/7 Contact Centre, Face to Face & online services. |
Cwm Taf Morgannwg Multi Agency Safeguarding Hubs
This privacy notice is intended to provide information about how Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council (referred to as ‘RCTCBC’, ‘Council’, ‘Local Authority’, ‘we’) will use (or ‘process’) personal data about individuals for the purpose of the Cwm Taf Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub and Bridgend Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) (jointly known as the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Multi Agency Safeguarding Hubs) |
Cwm Taf Morgannwg (CTM) Public Health Support Service (CTMPHSS)
How the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Public Health Support Service supports the Region with ongoing Covid services and any emerging health protection threat
Cwm Taf Morgannwwg Safeguarding Board |
The Cwm Taf Morgannwg Safeguarding Board consists of the key agencies in the area who provide services for local communities and the people who live in them. |
Cwm Taf Morgannwg Specialist Mental Health and Substance Misuse Housing Outreach Service |
The CTM Specialist Mental Health and Substance Misuse Housing Outreach Service is a multi-agency team funded by Welsh Government.
Referrals will be made into the team mainly from our third sector providers who oversee our hostels, temporary accommodation placements and Housing First Projects. This will be mainly for single homeless people who are in crisis and in need of a health intervention. |
Cwm Taf Social Care Workforce Development Service |
We have summarised in this privacy notice some of the key ways in which we use your personal information for Cwm Taf Social Care Workforce Development Services purposes.
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Supervisory Body |
Rhondda Cynon Taf is a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Supervisory Body, which is responsible for ensuring that the human rights of adults who lack mental capacity to make decisions about where they live and how they receive their care and support and who live or will live in registered care homes are protected in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Direct Payments |
Direct payments are monetary amounts made available by RCT Social Services to individuals, or their representative, to enable them to meet their care and support needs
Divert 18-25 |
The Project works with 18-25 year olds in Cwm Taf who have committed low level criminal offences. |
Disabled Facilities Housing Grant |
The Housing Grants Team are here to help guide RCT residents through the application and grant process for the mandatory Welsh Government Disabled Facilities Grant.
Domestic Abuse |
The Council’s Independent Domestic Violence Advisor and Drop In Support Service provides advice, advocacy, support and safety measures for victims and children affected by domestic abuse. |
Early Language |
The Early Language and Communication Team (Talk and Play) offers support for parents to develop their child's speech, language and communication skills. |
Elected and Lay/Co-opted Members |
We have summarised in this Privacy Notice some of the key- ways in which we use your personal information as an Elected and Lay/Co-opted Member within the Council |
Electoral Services |
We have summarised in this privacy notice some of the key ways in which we use your personal information for the Electoral Services Department purposes. |
Electric Vehicle Charging - Clenergy |
This privacy notice is intended to provide information about how Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council (referred to as ‘RCTCBC’, ‘Council’, ‘Local Authority’, ‘we’) will use (or ‘process’) personal data about individuals for the purpose of Clenergy Electric Vehicle Chargepoint. Management. |
Emergency Planning |
Emergency planning is part of a cycle of activities beginning with establishing a risk profile to help determine what should be the priorities for developing plans and ending with review and revision. |
Emergency Duty Team |
The Emergency Duty Team provides help in a crisis to vulnerable adults, children in need and their families to deal with emergency situations that cannot safely be left until the next working day. Electric Vehicle Charging |
Employment, Education & Training Team Employment Opportunities |
The Employment, Education & Training Team is dedicated to enhancing career and work opportunities for young people in and leaving care and those unemployed not in education, employment or training in addition to offering work placements within RCT Council for students and members of the public. |
Employment Routes |
Welsh Government funded programme working with Employers to improve employability skills. |
Energy Management |
The Energy Team is responsible for all energy management including procurement, strategy, policy, efficiency. |
Equality & Diversity |
Provides information on equality monitoring and reporting to help the council fulfil its legal duties under the Equalities Act 2010. |
Essential Skills |
Essential Skills provides courses, run by adult education tutors in community venues throughout RCT. |
European Social Funds |
European Social Funding received to run specific projects. |
Events |
The RCT Events Team takes a lead on corporate events but other Council services also organise and deliver events. |
Families Plus, Children with Additional Needs (CANS), Early Intervention |
CANS deliver a short term package of support to families with complex needs regarding their children. |
Flood Risk Management |
The Flood Risk Management team are responsible for managing flooding incidents which include ordinary watercourses, surface water and groundwater within Rhondda Cynon Taf.
Flying Start |
Flying Start is a Welsh Government funded Programme and is available to families who live in certain post code areas to give 0-3 year olds a ‘Flying Start’ in life.
Foster Care |
This prvacy notice provides key ways in which we use your personal information for Fostering. |
Foster Wales Recruitment |
This privacy notice provides key ways in which we use your personal information for Fostering Recruitment. |
Freedom Of Information |
Provides information on Freedom Of information requests. |
Free School Meals |
The service administers the provision of Free School Meals to assist people on low income. |
Governor Support School Based Complaints |
The key aim of the Governors Support Service is to ensure the proper running of schools within Rhondda Cynon Taf by the governing body. |
Governor Support School Budget Setting |
The key aim of the Governors Support Service is to ensure the proper running of schools within Rhondda Cynon Taf by the governing body. |
Governor Support School Governor Appointments |
The key aim of the Governors Support Service is to ensure the proper running of schools within Rhondda Cynon Taf by the governing body. |
Harm Reducation Co-ordination within Cwm Taf Morgannwg Region |
The Cwm Taf Morgannwg Area Planning Board Substance Misuse Team is made up of trusted organisations and partners to reduce the number of drug related deaths by reviewing non fatal drug poisoning incidents (overdoes) and offering advice and guidance to adults and young people.
Health & Safety |
Provides information on Health & Safety for employees and members of the public who access Council services and premises. |
Health and Wellbeing |
The Health and Wellbeing Team aims to promote and improve the health & wellbeing of residents RCT.
Heat & Save |
The Heat & Save Service provides advice and assistance to residents about Energy Efficiency Grant applications.
Hen Felin Training |
Hen Felin Training provides work based learning for people in Rhondda Cynon Taf who are over the age of 16 and have left school. |
Highways & Streetcare |
The Highways & Streetcare service provides front line services for Highway Strategy & Maintenance , Litter Control, Waste & the maintenance of the Council's fleet of vehicles. |
Homefinder RCT |
Homefinder RCT administers the Common Housing Register in accordance with the Rhondda Cynon Taf Housing Allocation Scheme 2015. |
Home Improvement Loans |
We help RCT residents and landlords/property owners to access Welsh Government loans to assist in improving the conditions of their properties. |
Homestep |
This Privacy Notice explains how Housing Strategy department processes personal information when we adminster The Homestep Scheme. |
Housing Advice Homelessness |
The Housing Advice Service provides housing related advice to help to prevent homelessness. |
Housing Benefit |
The Housing Benefit Service administer the Housing Benefit Scheme on behalf of the DWP. |
Housing Outreach Privacy Notice
The CTM Specialist Mental Health and Substance Misuse Housing Outreach Service is a multi- agency team funded by Welsh Government
Housing Service |
This privacy notice explains how the Housing Strategy service uses your personal information.
Independent Travel Training Programme |
This privacy notice is intended to provide information about how the Council will use (or ‘process’) you personal data for the purpose of Independent Travel Training
Insurance |
The Insurance Services team is the primary source of Insurance advice to the Council, its Cabinet, Committees, Elected Members, Departments and Officers.
The DWP Kickstart grant funding programme is a Central Government funded programme offering young people 16 to 24, who are claiming universal credit, a six-month paid job placement with local employers to improve skills and future employment opportunities.
Legal Services |
The Legal Services team is the primary source of legal advice to the council. The team is made up of 4 specialist sub teams, Childcare, Litigation, Planning & Property. |
Leisure Services |
RCT Leisure Services operate a number of Leisure Facilities within RCT. We provide sporting, health and fitness opportunities to residents and non – residents of RCT.
Leisure Strategy |
Sport RCT and Health Development Services enable and provide the delivery of sporting, health and physical activity opportunities. |
Libraries |
A Public Library service for people living, working or studying in RCT. |
Lifeline Monitoring Service |
The Council's 24 hour Lifeline Monitoring Service. |
Marketing and News Services |
The Council processes personal data for marketing and news services. |
Miskin FFST - TFT |
Miskin FFST - TFT work with families where children are returning home from care and preventing children becoming looked after. |
Mortgages |
The service holds information about mortgages and loans which were historically made to individuals to help them purchase or make improvements to their homes. |
Music Service |
The Council’s Music Service provides a wide range of musical opportunities to young people across RCT. |
National Empty Homes Grant Privacy Notice |
This privacy notice is intended to provide information about how Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council (referred to as ‘RCTCBC’, ‘Council’, ‘Local Authority’, ‘we’) will use (or ‘process’) personal data about individuals for the purpose of the National Empty Homes Grant Scheme.
Non Domestic Rates |
The Service hold information about past and present ratepayers deemed liable to pay NDR in the County Borough. |
Occupational Health Unit |
The Occupational Health & Wellbeing Unit focuses on the physical and mental wellbeing of Rhondda Cynon Taf Council employees and workers in the workplace. |
Parenting Support |
The Parenting team provide families with support and advice on day to day and specific parenting issues which can be done by taking part in parenting programmes, drop in sessions and 1-1 home support.
Parking Services |
The Parking Service provides the processing of parking fines and residential parking permits. |
Parks & Countryside |
The Parks & Countryside section is primarily responsible for maintaining the public open space and associated facilities as well as co-ordinating sports club and recreational use of outdoor sports facilities. |
Payments (made to the Council) |
Provides information regarding the way in which personal information is processed when making a payment to the Council. |
Pension Scheme |
The Pension Scheme service is the administering authority for its members and beneficiaries of the Local Government Pension Scheme. |
Petitions |
The privacy notice explains how the Council processes petitions provided to the Council from members of the public and elected members. |
Photography and Videography |
This privacy notice explains when such images / videos may be taken, how the images / videos may be used and our lawful basis for taking and using the images.
Play Development |
The Play Development Team commission term time and holiday provision and run community events.
Play Development Training |
Council provides services for local communities and the people who live in them, this shows key ways how we use personal information for Play Development.
Procurement |
The Procurement Service is responsible for procurement strategy and policy, procurement efficiency, innovation and improvement. |
Public Protection |
The Public Protection Services, are responsible for delivering a wide range of regulatory and statutory functions on behalf of the Council. |
Public Rights of Way Local Access Forum
This privacy notice is intended to provide information about how Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council (referred to as ‘RCTCBC’, ‘Council’, ‘Local Authority’, ‘we’) will use (or ‘process’) personal data about individuals for the purpose of Public Rights of Way Local Access Forum. |
Quarry & Coal Tip Inspections
The Council is the data controller for the personal data processed for the purposes of Quarry and Colliery Spoil Tip Inspections.
Recording and Publishing Council, Cabinet and Committee Meetings for Staff and Elected Members
Personal information collected for the purpose of recording and publishing meeting of the Council, Cabinet and Committees. |
Recruitment |
Provides information if you are applying for a Council job vacancy. |
Regeneration |
This Privacy Notice explains how the Regeneration service uses your personal information.
Regeneration, Planning and Housing |
Regeneration, Planning and Housing Services works with strategic partners to ensure, for example, that regional growth is achieved, appropriate local planning policy frameworks are developed and regeneration schemes are delivered.
Registration Service |
Personal information collected from you in order to register an event is required by law.
Resident Support Aftercare & Humanitarian Response |
How we use your personal information doe Resident Support - After care and Humanitarian Response purposes. |
Residential Care Service (Adults) |
Residential Care Services provide accommodation and support to adults who may be finding it difficult to look after themselves at home. |
Road Safety |
The Road Safety Unit delivers a diverse range of road safety education and training.
School Holiday Enrichment Programme (SHEP) |
SHEP (School Holiday Enrichment Programme) is a school-based education programme run by the Local Authority that provides food and nutrition education, physical activity, enrichment sessions and healthy meals to children in areas of social deprivation during the school summer holidays |
School Meals in a Primary School Setting
Privacy notice relating to the processing of personal data by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council for the provision of School Meals in a Primary school setting
Sensory |
The Sensory Service (Adult Service) has been developed to undertake an assessment and provide equipment, rehabilitation or commission appropriate preventative or community services. |
Service and Transformation of Education Information Systems |
The STEIS is the central support team responsible for managing data for and on behalf of Education and Inclusion Service. |
Shared Prosperity Fund Grants for Businesses |
This privacy notice is intended to provide information about how the Council will use personal data about individuals for the purpose of UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) Grants for Businesses in RCT. |
Short Term Care and Support Team |
The Short Term Care and Support Team has been developed to undertake an assessment and provide equipment or commission services to meet your needs. |
Single Point of Access (Adult Services) purposes |
The Single Point of Access (Adult Services) has been developed to undertake a proportionate assessment by having a “What Matters” conversation, usually over the telephone, during which they identify the outcomes for the individual. |
Social Housing Letting Agency |
The Social Housing Letting Agency (SHLA) manages Private Rented Sector properties on behalf of Landlords to provide a long term, high standard, and affordable housing within the private rented sector.
South Wales Central Coroners Service |
A Coroner is an independent judicial office holder, appointed by a local Council. Coroners investigate deaths that have been reported to them. |
Specialist Dementia Team |
This Specialist Dementia Team collaborates between the Council and the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board. |
Stay Well @ Home Service |
The SW@H Service is a partnership 7 day service, providing multi-agency support to people across the Cwm Taf region. The service is for individuals who attend A & E or have been admitted to hospital and require community health and/or social care support on discharge home.
Staying Well @ Work |
The Staying Well @Work programme aims to support the health and wellbeing of staff within small and medium sized businesses in Rhondda Cynon Taf
Streetcare Enforcement |
The Streetcare Enforcement team provide front line services for litter control and dog fouling. Body Cameras are used to capture images of waste offenders. |
Step In The Right Direction |
Step In The Right Direction offer supportive and exclusive traineeship for our children looked after.
Substance Misuse |
Rhondda Cynon Taf CBC is the lead Authority for the planning and commissioning of substance misuse services in the Cwm Taf area. These services are funded by a Welsh Government grant.
Sundry Debts |
The Council has a central team that is responsible for recovering debts on behalf of the Council. |
Support @ Home |
The Support @ Home Service has been developed to help people to live as independently as possible in their own home.
Support @ Home Independent Living Sensors |
This privacy notice is intended to provide information about how Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council (referred to as ‘RCTCBC’, ‘Council’, ‘Local Authority’, ‘we’) will use (or ‘process’) personal data about individuals for the purpose of Independent Living Sensors.
Supporting People |
Providing housing related support services to vulnerable people. |
Tourism |
The role of the RCT Tourism Department is to market and raise the profile of Rhondda Cynon Taf as a visitor destination. |
Transportation |
The Transportation Service delivers a range of front line & support services for community transport. |
UK Community Renewal Fund (UKCRF) Privacy Notice
The UKCRF grant funding programme is a Central Government funded programme offering people and communities the opportunity to bid for funds to develop projects that will enhance the local area. |
UK Shared Prosperity Fund Privacy Notice
Privacy notice relating to the processing of personal data by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council Lead Authority for the purpose of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
Ukraine - Homes for Ukraine Scheme
This scheme will support Ukrainian people with Housing, Education, Health and integration into the community, as well as supporting the people who volunteer to sponsor Ukrainian people and their families. |
Ukraine - Homes for Ukraine Welcome Centre
How we use your information at the Homes for Ukraine Welcome Centre. |
UK Resettlement Scheme |
These schemes support refugees through the provision of Housing, Education, Health and Integration into the community. |
Valleys Taskforce |
The Team work with local Authorities within the Valleys Taskforce to deliver empty home grant applications. |
Vision Products Community Equipment |
Vision Products works in partnership with a number of Local Health Boards and both Adult and Children’s Social Care Services in a number of Local Authorities in South East Wales such as Rhondda Cynon Taf, Merthyr, Bridgend, and Cwm Taf.
Vision Products Mobility Shop |
Vision Mobility is a specialist shop selling mobility and independent living aids.
Vision Products Out of Hours |
Vision Products provides an Out of Hours service for the urgent repair and maintenance of specified equipment.
Vision Products PVCu |
This privacy notice explains how your personal information is processed when placing uPVC orders at Vision Products.
Vision Products Servicing maintenance |
How your personal information is used to service and maintain your aids and equipment.
Visitor Attractions & Heritage |
Rhondda Cynon Taf’s Visitor Attraction & Heritage Services Department are responsible for managing RCT’s main visitor attractions. |
Welsh/ Central Government Fuel/ Energy support schemes
The Council’s Revenues and Benefits Service deliver Energy/ fuel Support Schemes for its residents, on behalf of Welsh and Central Government. The schemes are intended to provide immediate support to households to deal with the impact of increasing energy, fuel and other costs.
Welsh Church Act Fund Privacy Notice
The Welsh Church Act Fund was established from the proceeds and assets of the disestablishment of the Church in Wales and is an independent charitable trust.
Welsh Language |
To provide Welsh Language Services to all Council services to ensure that we meet our Welsh Language obligations. |
Work & Skills |
This privacy notice is intended to provide information about how the Council will use (or ‘process’) your personal data for the purposes of Work and Skills programmes. |
Workforce Administration |
Provides information if you are part of the Council workforce which includes employees and workers, paid and unpaid, including volunteers. |
Young Carers |
We have summarised in this privacy notice some of the key ways in which we use your personal information for The Young Carers Support. |
Youth Engagement and Participation Service |
The Youth Engagement and Participation Service supports young people aged 11-25 years to reach their potential and overcome barriers to learning and progression. |
Youth Offending Service |
The Cwm Taf Youth Offending Service works with children and young people aged between 8 - 17 who get into trouble with the law. |
14 - 19 Service |
The Council’s ‘14-19’ service is an internal Council service that supports Schools and the Council in improving school performance results for school years 9-13. |