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The Council's Annual Self Assessment

What is the Council’s Annual Self-Assessment?

In 2021, the Welsh Government introduced a new law, the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021. Among other things, the Performance and Governance duties of this Act asked us to evidence how the Council is meeting a new duty ‘for each Council in Wales to keep under review the extent to which it is meeting the ‘performance requirements’, that is the extent to which:-

  • it is exercising its functions effectively;
  • it is using its resources economically, efficiently and effectively;
  • its governance is effective for securing the above.

The Act requires us to undertake an annual Self-Assessment of the Council, assess how we have performed, identify where we need to improve and put plans on place to deliver those improvements. Among other things, the annual Self-Assessment needs to be considered by Councillors, must be reviewed by the Council’s Governance and Audit Committee and be made publicly available.

RCT put in place its own  self assessment arrangements in 2016.  These arrangements include our annual report of progress published in our previous annual Corporate Performance Reports,  which form part of our Performance Management arrangements and also help us to demonstrate how we are meeting the requirements of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2025.  As a result of our experience, we have been well placed to meet the requirements of the new law and its duties.

The statutory  annual Self-Assessment continues to incorporate our annual Corporate Performance Report

Our Self-Assessment for 2022/23  was considered by the Council’s Governance and Audit Committee at its meeting on 19 December 2023 prior to consideration by Council at its meeting on 17 January 2024.

The Annual Self-Assessment 2022/23, incorporating the Council’s annual Corporate Performance Report (CPR) is available on the Council’s Website.

Also available: The Annual Self-Assessment 2021/22.

For further information please email the Performance Management Team at

[Updated February 2024]