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Remote Library Services Public Consultation

The need to adapt services during the Covid 19 pandemic provided Library Services with an opportunity to explore alternative methods of service delivery.  It highlighted that alternative services can offer improved levels of service at reduced costs.

The current ‘At Home’ Service provision is effective and efficient in its delivery when considered against the high cost and declining public usage of the existing Mobile Library Service. 

The Council would like to consult on the future provision of remote library services including the delivery of the ‘At Home’ Service and online and e-book services.

The consultation closed on the 1st December 2022

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Write to us: 

Freepost RSBU-HJUK-LSSSPublic Relations & Strategy
The Pavilions
Cambrian Industrial Park
Clydach Vale
CF40 2XX


If you would prefer to speak to someone to provide your views please:
Telephone: 01443 425014 – between 9am & 5pm, Monday – Friday.

You are welcome to communicate with us in Welsh and this will not lead to a delay.