The Council works with key partners to provide information, advice and direct support to residents. RCT residents can ask for support at any time by completing the request for support form via the link below, or by calling 01443 425003. Support will be provided by either Council Staff, a community group or key partner.
Request assistance
You can request help by completing the online form below.
Support & Assistance
You can ask for support at any time if you find yourself in need and do not have the support of family, friends or your community.
Your local community based response team can help with:
- Support with shopping - this is provided by a key partner or community group and may be chargeable.
- Support to find work or receive work related training - C4W+ Teams will contact you directly.
- Information and guidance about money or benefits - Citizen Advice RCT Team or your Registered Social Landlord will contact you directly.
- Support with a cold home and/or gas and electric bills
- Support for your own or someone else's gambling - Ara (Addiction Recovery Agency) Recovery for All will contact you directly.
- Support for your own or someone else's cancer - CRT Together in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support will contact your directly.
- Information about Carers Short Breaks - RCT Adult Services Carer's Support Project will contact you directly.
- Information about the ‘At Home’ library service - RCT Library Services will contact you directly.
- Information about the Lifeline Plus Service - RCT Adult Services will send an information leaflet to your home address.
- Wellbeing support if you are feeling lonely or isolated or would like to be put in contact with a local Community Group in your area - Interlink RCT Wellbeing Coordinators will contact you directly.
- Wellbeing Assessment – which may include a home visit to discuss and record the position of the whole family, including things that are going well and things you may need help with - The Council's RCT Together Community Coordinators will contact you directly.
- Discretionary Fuel Voucher and/or Discretionary Supermarket Voucher payment for residents experiencing profound financial difficulties (Fuel Vouchers are for those residents set up on a payment plan only and cannot be used for a pre-payment meter) - both vouchers are subject to residents meeting eligibility criteria and The Council's RCT Together Community Coordinators will contact you directly.
A person from each of the local response teams will contact you and provide information, advice and support in the specific areas indicated above.
The Council will share your details with relevant internal and external departments/organisations depending on your needs to provide any speciailist support you have asked for.
For more information about how the Council process and protects your information please read the privacy notice. This can be found at the following link
Healthy Start – Food and Vitamins Vouchers
71% of eligible families living in Rhondda, Cynon Taf have claimed the Healthy start vouchers they are entitled to.
Let’s work together to make sure that everyone claims their entitlement and increase this percentage.
Click on the link Get help to buy food and milk (Healthy Start) or view the poster to find out if you are eligible and claim NOW!!!!
If you are an organisation, or a person providing support to families or pregnant women, please feel free to share the information and poster widely.