Rhondda Cynon Taf Council is once again proud to be supporting Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 (Thursday, January 27) and its theme this year, ‘One Day.’
One Day for Holocaust Memorial Day, one day when we remember the atrocities and horrors of the past, learn about the Holocaust, Nazi persecution and the genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur, in the hope that there may be ‘One Day’ in the future with no genocide.
Councillor Maureen Webber, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Council Business, said: “Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 is an opportunity for us all to learn more about the past and take action today for a better future. We all have a part to play in this.
“It is always important that the world comes together and marks Holocaust Memorial Day, and here in Rhondda Cynon Taf we are proud to show our support and remember all those innocent people who so tragically lost their lives during the Holocaust and the genocides that followed – chapters in our world history which must never be repeated.
“We owe it to future generations to never allow such atrocities to happen again. We must learn from the past in order to One Day create a safer, better future for ourselves, our loved ones, and for those who follow us.”
Working in partnership with the Cynon Valley Museum, the Council’s Community Safety Partnership Team is hosting a series of events to commemorate and remember the millions of people who died during the Holocaust and subsequent genocides around the world.
Cynon Valley Museum – Holocaust Memorial Day
The Cynon Valley Museum is hosting the exhibition Jewish Refugees in Wales for two weeks (January 22-February 5) commemorating the Holocaust and the lives of Jewish refugees in South Wales, and their contribution to Welsh society.
The Museum is also hosting two digital events (January 25 and 29) to mark Holocaust Memorial Day, including a panel discussion which reflects on the importance of Holocaust Memorial Day and why it remains relevant to us all. This will be recorded by the Council and published on its website and social media accounts.
The Jewish History Association of South Wales is also giving a talk on the Holocaust Memorial Tablet, which is located in the Cardiff Reform Synagogue, which names 102 individuals related to members of their Congregation, who died during the Holocaust.
Cardiff Reform Synagogue Holocaust Memorial Tablet
Further information on how to book for the two live digital events is available on the Cynon Valley Museum website.
Cynon Valley Museum
The public and Council staff are once again this year being asked to spend some time on the day, reflecting on the worst time in world history in which millions of people were brutally killed at the hands of Nazi Germany, and the subsequent genocides.
One Day is a global affirmation and a call to action for Holocaust Memorial Day 2022, urging all of us to reflect on the past and strive towards achieving a better future.
If safe to do so, the public is being asked to light a candle on Holocaust Memorial Day 2021, Thursday, January 27, highlighting the theme that One Day we can all live in a world of peace.
Between 1941 and 1945, the Nazis attempted to annihilate all of Europe’s Jews. This systematic and planned attempt to murder Jewish people is known as the Holocaust.
By the end of the Holocaust, six million Jewish men, women and children had perished in ghettos, mass-shootings, in concentration camps and extermination camps.
More than 1.1 million people were murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau alone, with more than 90 per cent of the victims being Jewish.
“You didn’t think about yesterday, and tomorrow may not happen, it was only today that you had to cope with, and you got through it as best you could.”
Iby Knill, Holocaust Survivor - #HMD2022
Posted on 27/01/2022