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Carers assessments

If you care for someone you have a right to ask for a carer’s assessment. The assessment will look at the impact that caring has on you and the support that you may need.

Providing care to a loved one can often be demanding and stressful at times. To identify your needs as a carer and help us plan how we may be able to support you in what you wish to do, we would carry out a carer’s assessment.   Your assessment provides you with an opportunity to discuss support for you that would make your caring role easier.  The Assessment does not make a judgement on the care you provide, it simply aims to support the care you are providing.

Should I be worried about having an assessment?

Definitely not. The assessment is not a test on your ability to be a carer. The assessment is a service in its own right and gives you the chance to talk through any issues you may have. This can be a positive experience in itself.

What happens when an assessment takes place?

An experienced worker will make an appointment to come along and meet you, to talk through a whole range of topics that are relevant to you as a carer.

The meeting will be at a time to suit you and can be independent of the person you care for, if this is what you would prefer.

Where will the assessment take place?

All assessments are carried out in a convenient and private place. This could be at a social services’ office or at your home. Wherever you would feel most comfortable.

What sort of things might be discussed?

You would be able to talk about the sort of care you provide and how much time it takes, any help you currently receive, any difficulties you experience and any help that you feel may support you in your caring role.

What is the point of having an assessment?

  • It may give you the rare opportunity to talk about how you are feeling.
  • It will give the person carrying out the Carers assessment the chance to provide you with information about the support that is available. This could possibly be assistance with benefits, details of services that may be available, counselling opportunities, advice on balancing work and caring etc.
  • It will also help us to gain a better understanding of your needs and to plan services to support you in the future.

How long would the assessment take?

This will depend on what you want to discuss but probably an hour or so.

What do I do next?

If after reading the above information you feel that you would like a Carers assessment, then you should get in touch with your social worker, or if you do not have a social worker, you can call the Carersline on 0808 100 1801.

Contact us

Carers Support Project
Tel: Freephone:  01443 281463
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