What is an emergency?
An emergency is an illness, personal crisis or event which, unexpectedly, or at very short notice, results in either the carer being separated from the cared-for person on a short- or long-term basis, or in the escalation of the cared-for person’s needs. It could include a family funeral, a transport delay, family illness, admission to hospital, last minute doctor or dentist appointment, or a personal incident affecting the carer.
What are the benefits of emergency planning?
Carers who have put an emergency plan in place often feel that the emergency plan has given them peace of mind, because they know if an emergency happens, the person they care for will be looked after. We recommend planning at the earliest possible opportunity as, by their very nature, emergencies are unpredictable.
Carers Emergency Planning Toolkit for Carers
This toolkit is designed to support you to create your own Carers Emergency Plan. It will encourage you to think about the who’s, what’s, why’s, where’s, when’s and how’s of planning for those unforeseen circumstances.
The toolkit can be completed in your own time and encourages you to involve all relevant family, friends, professionals, and support networks when completing. There is guidance included along the way to help explain and support you to think about your caring role.
Why plan in advance? By planning in advance, you can record your knowledge, expertise, wants, and wishes, so that if someone needs to step into your role in an emergency, they are best placed to support the person you are caring for. This should ensure the person you care for is supported at the earliest opportunity, and that you have peace of mind knowing that there is something in place to support your cared fors needs.
This toolkit is designed so that you can share it with those individuals who may be a part of your loved one’s care, and those who may need to step in in an emergency.
We would encourage you to keep this document with any other of your important information and documentation and update it as and when things change.
Remember this is your document and we encourage you to complete it openly and honestly.
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