We work with our colleagues in health services to make sure that your return home from hospital is safe and comfortable. This process is called the Hospital Discharge Procedure.
When you go into hospital you will be assigned a person who will be your main link during your stay. This person is your named nurse. As well as all the medical questions, your named nurse (or their deputy), will enquire about your circumstances at home. This will help us to find out how well you will be able to cope and whether you will need further care when you leave hospital
Do not be afraid to tell us about any concerns or fears you have about your return home. These are very common and are easier to sort out before you leave hospital.
Together with health staff, we will plan with you how best to help you settle back home following your hospital stay. It may be just a temporary arrangement until your recovery is more complete, or it may be longer term. The care plan could involve a stay in a residential or nursing home, if going straight home is not possible.
Your situation will be looked at on a regular basis to make sure that the services you receive continue to be effective.
Contact Us
If you think you or someone you care for needs help, contact;
First Response Team
Tel: 01443 425003
Emergency Out of Office Service provides an emergency response to a social care crisis outside of normal office hours, on bank holidays and at weekends.
Telephone: 01443 743665 / 01443 657225
Other help:
Age Connects Morgannwg runs a Hospital Discharge Service that provides short-term voluntary support for older people (over 60) leaving hospital and returning home. The service is designed to help the settling back home process and can be called up in addition to or instead of any support that we may be able to provide. For more information you can visit the Age Connects Morgannwg website