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Paying for care services

The Welsh Government expects Social Services departments in Wales to raise income to help pay for the services they provide and supply fairer charging guidelines to inform councils of their expectations.  This means that we may have to ask you to pay something towards the cost of services you receive from us.

What services do I have to pay for?

Services you may have to pay a contribution towards the cost of include the following:

  •  Home care
  •  Day care services
  •  Supported living
  •  Direct payments
  •  Independent living
  •  Telecare (Tier 3)

You will not be charged for the following services:

  •  Transport to day care services 
  • Employment and training schemes at day care services
  •  Community equipment

Some people are exempt from charges irrespective of income:

  •  Sufferers of Creuzfeldt Jacob Disease (CJD) 
  • Service users with care packages via Mental Health Services (Section 117)
  •  Families that access facilities in order to help them meet their parental responsibilities for children under 18 years old
  •  Service users that access services provided under the Carer and Disabled Children Act 2000; and
  •  Services users in receipt of intermediate care services, for up to 6 weeks.

You will not be charged for health services.

If you order meals from the Council and/or are in receipt of telecare equipment (Tier 1 and 2) you will be asked to pay for these separately.

How is it decided if I have to pay a contribution to the cost of the service?

If you receive a service we charge for, we need to ask you about your weekly income and savings.  We will send you a financial assessment form that you must complete.  If you do not complete the form, you will be charged the subsidised cost of the service you receive up to the agreed maximum charge per week.
You can complete the form yourself or you can make an appointment for a visiting officer to see you in your home to help you complete the form.
We will expect you or your financial representative to be available for a financial assessment visit within
2 weeks of contact from the Financial Assessment Team.  Where you prefer to return the financial assessment form by post, then it is expected that this will be returned to us within 2 weeks.  If further information is required for the financial assessment to be completed then we expect that you will provide this within 2 weeks of the date it was requested.
You can find more details about our Charging for Non Residential Social Services Policy in our fact sheet or contact;

Finance Team
Tel: 01443 680380 or 01443 680383