We’re committed to preventing abuse and responding promptly when abuse is suspected. All calls concerning worries about an adult who may be at risk of harm are treated seriously.
If you suspect a person is at immediate risk of harm call 999 and speak to the Police.
If you have been or still are the victim of abuse, or you know someone who you think is being abused, contact
First Response Team
Tel: 01443 425003
Opening Hours:
Monday – Thursday 8.30am – 5.00pm
Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm
Sunday and Bank Holidays Closed
Out of Hours Emergencies:
To contact social care services outside office hours, at weekends and bank holidays, contact the Cwm Taf Emergency Duty Team on 01443 743665 / 01443 657225
If you are experiencing domestic abuse or sexual violence, have experienced domestic abuse or sexual violence, or are worried about a friend or relative who is experiencing domestic abuse or sexual violence you can find local support at:
The Oasis Centre (a non-gender specific service)
Tel: 01443 494190
You can also visit Pontypridd Safety Unit for further information.
Whatever you tell us will be treated with sensitivity, but we may have to tell other people if we need their help to protect you or the person being abused.
If you feel nervous about talking to social services, talk to someone else you feel comfortable with and ask them to pass on the information. This could be someone who works in the health service such as a doctor or nurse, or someone else in authority. You could also tell a friend or relative you trust.
Wherever you live, whether it's a care home or your own home or whichever place you have visited and if you've experienced or witnessed abuse, you can ring social services.