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Ash Die Back

Ash dieback is a serious disease of Ash trees caused by a fungus (Hymenoscyphus Fraxineus). The disease is spreading within the UK and causes leaf loss and crown dieback in affected trees and can lead to the death of the tree.

The Guiding principle

Ash die-back may have a huge impact on our present Ash population. Our aim is to effectively address the risks presented by the impact of Ash die-back and conserve Biosecurity.

No national or regional Welsh Government or NRW guidance has been supplied to local authorities or landowners regarding `Ash Die Back` therefore we have developed a common position dealing with every case on its own merit and crown reducing trees to a safe height which display significant die back and removing dangerous trees which are over 50% affected in accordance with the Tree Council recommendations – originally published in 2019.

What is RCT doing about Ash Die back?

Taking a planned approach, we are working through a program of tree works, to address not only the Ash dieback, but overhanging trees next to all of our major highway routes and to clear street lighting.

Our tree management program aims for all the A-roads to be completed within 2022, whilst also addressing any imminent concerns along the B-roads. Second stage will be to complete all B-roads by the end of 2023. Continuing tree work along the major highways in the next few months aims to remove the worst of the affected Ash and any dead or diseased trees.

We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused by the temporary traffic management needed to complete the aforementioned work.

Managing Ash Die Back in high-risk areas

We will always address any individually identified dead, diseased and dangerous trees, including the specific Ash Die Back, ensuring to prioritise actions when identified as a highways or public safety risk.

RCTCBC have also commissioned Tree surveys to identify trees of poor health or condition, growing upon public open spaces and in high risk areas.  These are recorded for future recommended actions and monitoring purposes.

Stopping the Spread and recovery

We are taking a robust and precautionary approach to minimise the impact of this disease within the borough. Arisings from works to Ash trees suffering with die-back, such as branches and leafy brash are removed in line with Biosecurity to prevent the spread.

RCTCBC have put in place a Tree Planting program which we hope will alleviate some of the impact of felling due to Ash die-back and counterbalance the tree losses.  These, with other tree planting schemes like the Queens Canopy, will ensure we continue to plant trees within RCT for future generations.

Reporting your concerns about Ash Die Back

To report any evidence of Ash Die Back on trees growing from Council Land, the location will be added to our Ash Die back list for inspection, please Contact the Council.

To check whether the location is owned by the Council, please contact or call 01443 281189

For all tree concerns growing from Private land, please express your concerns directly to the landowner. 

To enquire as to whom the landowner is you will need to contact HM land registry on 0300 006 0411 or at the following link;

Further Information:

Tree Councils Guide on Ash Die Back -

NRW Natural Resources Wales :

Forest Research -