Pupils who miss school, for whatever reason, miss out on so much. Not only does it affect school attendance, it also affects school attainment – and can prove costly to parents, young people and carers.
The Council has a statutory duty to ensure that children in our County Borough attend school whenever possible.
Did you know that.....
- 80% attendance means your child misses a whole year of education over five years
- 85% attendance means that 29 school days, six weeks, or 145 lessons are missed over a year
- 90% attendance means 19 school days, four weeks or 95 lessons are missed over a year
Our Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow campaign has the full support of EVERY Primary and Secondary school in Rhondda Cynon Taf.
During the 2017/2018 Academic Year, Rhondda Cynon Taf Council issued 679 Fixed Penalty Notices to parents and Carers
- 378 for unauthorised family holidays
- 291 for unauthorised absences
- 10 for persistent lateness
We would like to thank every Headteacher and Governing Body for ensuring all of their children and young people attend school.
Children and young people who attend school regularly are those most likely to succeed in adult life by gaining the qualifications they need to follow their career dreams
What could your child become?
Parents and carers
DO NOT have the automatic right to withdraw pupils from school during term time. All requests for leave must be approved by the respective Headteacher prior to the absence.
View further details about absences During Term Time
The message is quite simple – Holidays are fine, but not in term time!

Those who ignore this face prosecution. A school attendance fixed penalty notice (FPN) is offered as an alternative to prosecuting parents or carers who do not ensure their child attends school regularly.
A School Attendance FPN is £60 if paid within 28 days of receipt of the notice and rises to £120 if paid after 28 days but within 42 days of receipt. View further details of the fixed Penalty Notices For Non Attendance At School
Every Primary and Secondary school in Rhondda Cynon Taf is now proudly displaying our School Attendance campaign banners. We have the support of our Schools, Staff, Governing Bodies - we now need the support of EVERY parent and Carer in Rhondda Cynon Taf.
The Council is also planning to reward those ‘Star Pupils’ who regularly attend school – exciting details to be announced soon!
Going to school every day is so important – Miss School, Miss Out
Just think of what you could do with your life if you got the right grades.