Fly-tip in Rhondda Cynon Taf and you will be caught red handed as this man from Cwmdare has recently found out!
Earlier this month the individual was held accountable in court for his reckless, fly-tipping actions. This led to a total of over £1330 being issued in a fine.
This acts as a clear reminder that residents have a duty of care to dispose of their waste appropriately and to ensure that items are disposed of correctly. Failure to do this, could end up costing you a lot more than travelling a few miles to the nearest local community recycling centre!
The actions by this individual, saw him dumping a number of cardboard delivery boxes and packaging, and a green wheelbarrow that contained evidence relating to work he had carried out for a former employer. The waste was dumped along the path that leads to the picturesque Sgwd yr Eira waterfall, Penderyn.
Section 33(1) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 sets out the offence of fly tipping describing it as the “illegal deposit of any waste onto land that does not have a licence to accept it”. Anyone illegally disposing of their waste could face a hefty fine as these people have discovered!
The individual, was tracked down and issued with a £400 Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN), which he failed to pay. After a number of failed attempts to engage with the man, the case was sent to magistrates court, where the man failed to attend and was picked up by the Police. When he finally ended up in court he was handed a much larger fine! This acts as a warning to those who choose to ignore the initial FPNs, as this man now has to pay more than triple the initial fine!
Fly tipping, dropping litter or allowing your dog to foul in a public place will not be tolerated in Rhondda Cynon Taf and, as this latest case shows, the Council will use all its available powers to catch those responsible for blighting its towns and countryside.
As well as carrying out routine checks around the County Borough and responding to the reports it receives, the Council has a number of covert, roaming cameras placed in key locations to catch offenders red-handed.
The Council has a weekly, unlimited, kerbside dry, food waste and nappy recycling service, and a number of community recycling centres across the County Borough, so there's no excuse for fly-tipping, especially items that can be collected at the kerbside or recycled right here in Rhondda Cynon Taf.
Councillor Ann Crimmings, Rhondda Cynon Taf Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Leisure and Heritage Services, said:
“Fly-tipping in our County Borough will not be tolerated, there is NEVER an excuse to blight our towns, streets and villages with waste and we will find those responsible and hold them to account.
"As this case highlights, we investigate ALL reports of fly-tipping and we will uncover all the details as this offender has found out.
"Removal of fly-tipping in our County Borough costs hundreds of thousands of pounds - which could be spent on key front-line services.
“We will use EVERY power we have available to us, to hold those accountable for their actions. Many of the items we recover on our streets, towns and mountains are items that could have been taken to a Community Recycling Centre or even collected from the kerbside - at no extra cost.”
For more information on how to report Fly-Tipping, Recycling and Community Recycling Centres in RCT follow the Council on Facebook/Twitter or visit
Posted on 23/03/2022