How do I apply for free school transport?
There is no formal ‘application’ process for school transport. Details of pupils attending each school will be provided to the Integrated Transport Unit (ITU) for assessment in accordance with the eligibility criteria outlined in the Starting Schools document. If your child is eligible for free school transport, the necessary travel arrangements will then be made.
Does my child need to keep their bus pass?
Yes, DO NOT throw the bus pass away – you will need to show your bus pass to the driver on every journey to and from school. NO PASS NO TRAVEL.
What if my child's bus pass is lost or damaged?
If your child loses their pass, your child can obtain a temporary travel slip from the school reception which will allow them to travel to school for two weeks whilst their replacement pass is being ordered.
There is a £8.15 administration charge for the printing of a replacement pass. Report a lost pass online.
What if my child hasn't received a travel pack or letter of authorisation?
If you have not completed the school admission form for your child to attend your chosen school then you will need to do so by contacting the school admissions team on 01443 744000. If you have completed the school admission form and received a letter confirming their placement at the school, then you will need to contact the school transport team on 01443 425001.
Can my school ask the transport provider to allow my child to travel without a bus pass?
No - All secondary learners that are eligible for transport are provided with bus passes that must be used to access school transport.
Can my child’s friend travel on the school bus with them even though they are not eligible?
No - Only eligible pupils, who are in possession of a valid bus pass can travel on school transport. All seats have been allocated to eligible pupils. If additional learners are travelling then this may lead to the bus becoming overcrowded.
What if my address changes?
If you have recently changed your address you will need to inform the school who will then notify the ITU. The ITU will verify the address against the transport eligibility criteria. If your child is eligible, a bus pass will be issued and transport arrangements made.
If you are unable to contact the school (due to school holidays), you can advise the ITU directly by completing the online form, but you must still advise the school immediately of the change once the school is open. Failure to notify the school may result in free home to school transport being withdrawn.
What if by moving my child no longer lives in the catchment area of their current school?
If you move to an address outside the local area of the school/college to which transport has been provided you will not continue to receive free home to school transport
What if by moving my child no longer meets the eligibility criteria?
If you move to an address which moves you closer than the 1.5 miles (primary pupils) and 2 miles (secondary pupils) to the school/college to which transport has been provided then you will not continue to receive free home to school transport.
How does parental preference of a school affect entitlement to free home to school transport?
If you choose to place your child in a school other than the nearest suitable or catchment school then you are totally liable to organise, and pay for the cost of transport to the chosen school.
Bus Journey Information
How can I find out information about school bus times and pick up points?
Details of all school transport routes, transport providers, pick-up points and timings are available on the Council’s website.
For details of other commercial routes that are available for those pupils who are not entitled to free school transport, please visit the Traveline Cymru website. The website provides public transport timetable information and allows you to also plan your journey.
Is school transport provided from home to school?
School transport is not normally provided from the pupil’s home address but from an approved pick up point on the main transport routes.
How long should my child have to wait for the school transport?
Pupils are advised to be at the designated bus stop 10 minutes before the scheduled pick up time and wait up to 20 minutes after its scheduled departure. It should be noted that these are approximate times only and can vary due to fluctuations in traffic flow.
How long should the school journey take?
The Council does not specify a time limit for journeys. However, journey times should be reasonable, taking into account the age and individual needs of the learners, and the nature, purpose and circumstances of each journey. Where parents/carers express preferences for their children to attend voluntary aided (faith) schools or Welsh/dual language schools that are some distance away from their homes, journeys may generally be longer.
Can my child be transported to any other address other than the home address?
No - Transport is provided to and from the home address or nearest recognised stop only. No other address or drop off point will be authorised.
Can my child use a different service to the one that has been allocated?
No - Each school vehicle has an individual contract number and only pupils issued with a pass or letter of authorisation for that vehicle may travel. Anyone else will be turned away by the driver.
Do I need to be available to receive my child off school transport?
Yes – for primary pupils only. You, or a responsible adult, are required to be available at least 10 minutes earlier than the agreed pick up and drop off times, as detailed on the school bus timetable, to handover or receive your child off school transport. Additionally, parents must inform the passenger assistant on the vehicle if another person will be collecting their child from the vehicle in the afternoon.
Should parents / carers not be available at the bus stop, transport providers are advised that pupils are to be taken to a place of safety, for example, the nearest police station or social services office.
Where parents fail to be available to collect their child, then transport may be removed until appropriate arrangements are in place for the child to be collected by a responsible adult.
Parents / carers should also note that transport providers are not permitted to accept written or verbal instructions allowing their child to be dropped at the stop unsupervised.
Non Entitled Pupils
The Council will reserve the right, using appropriate powers, to make the spare capacity available on an existing contracted school transport route, subject to availability, to learners who are not eligible to receive free school transport.
View details of how to apply for a spare seat on school transport
Seat Belts
All contracted school bus routes are fitted with seat belts. All children must wear a seat belt when travelling to and from school. The passenger assistant will assist primary aged children where necessary to ensure that they are seated comfortably and that their seat belts are secured.
CCTV may be in operation on your school transport. This can be used to identify any passengers who break the rules within the Travel Behaviour Code. It can also be used to safeguard passengers, escorts and drivers.
CCTV can be used by nominated officers of the Integrated Transport Unit, Schools or the transport company in the event of a legal action being taken by any stake holder.
CCTV footage is only monitored if incidents are reported by any party and is protected so it can only be viewed by specified officers.