Learn more about Junior Learn to Swim, course progress, skills development and more on the Swim Wales Website.
Our Junior Learn to Swim programme runs continuously over 50 weeks of the year with a 2 week break for Christmas. Lessons offer swimming skills and confidence for children aged 4 and over. They also provide excellent opportunities for your child to progress to competitive swimming through clubs and other aquatic disciplines such as Diving, Water Polo, Lifeguarding, Canoeing, Sub Aqua and even Triathlon.
To supplement our Junior Learn to Swim Program we offer one to one swimming lessons and school holiday crash course swimming lessons, for more information on these products please contact your local leisure centre directly.
Find out more about Junior Learn to Swim
Search and book online.
Our online system allows you to check availability for swimming lessons (baby, junior and adult), diving sessions and school holiday crash courses.
You can check availability for swimming lessons (baby, junior and adult), diving and school holiday crash courses.
Use the drop down arrows to choose a Leisure for Life centre and an activity.
If you can’t find the course/session you are looking for at your first choice of centre, return to the search and select another centre.
The results displayed are those available for online booking only. Not the complete timetable. To see the complete timetable, use the filters on the left hand side to select “include courses with no spaces left”. This will allow you to see all of the sessions so you can plan dates.
All Junior Learn to Swim customers enter at Wave 1 for their first session, regardless of age, so an instructor can assess swimming ability and place them in the correct Wave for the future.
Search and book online or contact your local leisure centre.
For further information please email swimminglessons@rctcbc.gov.uk.
Please note we no longer operate waiting lists for swimming lessons, places are allocated on a first come first served basis.
Tracking your progress
You can track your child’s weekly progress using our portal service. Registration information will be sent out as part of the sign up process.
Certificates and badges
Certificates and badges are available to purchase from the leisure centre for each completed level.
Welsh Language Swimming Lessons
We also offer swimming lessons through the medium of Welsh in partnership with the Urdd, these are available in Llantrisant (Monday) and Rhondda Sports Centre (Tuesday)
You can access the timetables for our pools that offer swimming lessons here:
You can check availability in swimming lessons here
See summary of Waves Outcomes.