Are you a business or employer? Access help and support within RCT for business grants, recruitment,  funding, HR and Occupational Health services.

Additional advice is available on our Business pages...

As an employer are you able to offer Volunteering
and Work Placements?

If so email your details through to and/or


Take a look at our Employer Support Booklet for tailored advice and support for local businesses.

Contact us:

For general enquiries please contact:

Central Support Team - Ty Elai, Williamstown, RCT, CF40 1NY

Tel: 01443 425761

Our Employment Support and Advice is delivered through the Welsh Government Grant Funded Programme Communities For Work +

Communities for Work Plus (CfW+)
Communities for Work Plus (CfW+) offers support to all residents in RCT who are looking to get into employment, training or volunteering.
CfW+ Logo band new