All scrutiny activity within Rhondda Cynon Taf Council is managed by the Committee through a single work plan. Specific work is undertaken both through the committee and by establishing informal panels (for in-depth activities) or working groups.
The Scrutiny Committees cover;
- Overview and Scrutiny 2022 - 2027 Committee - This Committee co-ordinates the work of the four Scrutiny Committees and is responsible for approving the Work Programmes developed by the three thematic scrutiny committees to ensure a deliverable, co-ordinated and outcome focussed schedule of work programmes. Where there are matters that fall within the remit of more than one Scrutiny Committee, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2022 - 2027 Committee will determine which Committee has responsibility for its review. This Committee is also responsible for dealing with all 'Call-ins'. You can view the terms of reference here.
- Climate Change, Frontline Services & Prosperity - This Committee is responsible for scrutinising Public Service Delivery across a range of Council and public sector services. This includes frontline services delivered by the Council including Waste and Highways. The Commitee considers matters relating to the Environment and Sustainable Development. More specifically the Committee is responsible for scrutinising how the Council is responding to the climate emergency and reducing its carbon footprint. It also considers areas which contribute to prosperity such as Economic Development, Regeneration and Tourism. You can view the terms of reference here.
- Community Services - This Committee is responsible for focussing on the services provided by the Council which support the Health and Well-being of our communities. This includes working with partners in the Health Service and also consideration of factors which support the services delivered to support older people. The Committee considers adult social services as well as all other factors which contribute to the Health and Well-being of the County Borough, such as Leisure services and Public Health and Protection related Services. As part of its remit, and alongside the Corporate Parenting Board, it considers the Council’s responsibilities as Corporate Parents including Looked After Children responsibilities. In addition, this Committee is the Council’s designated Crime and Disorder Committee (under Sections 19 and 20 of the Police and Justice Act, 2006). You can view the terms of reference here.
- Education & Inclusion - This Committee is responsible for focussing upon Education and Schools. It is responsible for scrutinising all Education provision from 3-19 and all other services, provided by the Council which young people engage with within our communities. The Committee also scrutinises the work of the Central South Consortium which has delivered aspects of school improvement services, commissioned by five local authorities (Bridgend, Cardiff, Merthyr Tydfil, Vale of Glamorgan and Rhondda Cynon Taf) to provide a school improvement service that challenges, monitors and supports schools to raise standards. This Committee scrutinises the Council’s compliance with Welsh Language Standards and the delivery of the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan. As required by law and guidance from Welsh Government the Education and Inclusion Committee Membership includes voting representatives of religious faiths and parent governors. You can view the terms of reference here.