Here you will find information on the training we have planned and the way you can access this training.
Each calendar has a target audience and its best to check this before trying to book a place.
Training Calendars - An annual programme of training and development events
Local Authority Staff – only open to RCT and Merthyr Tydfil CBC Staff
The primary responsibility for effective training, development and qualification provision for the social care workforce remains with employers. The SCCWDP grant is intended to provide a significant supplement to the resources provided by employers.
“The grant should be used to support the continued implementation of the Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act 2014; Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 and identified regional and local priorities to support the improvement of care and support across all social care providers and organisations. In addition to regulated and commissioned services, this includes, but is not exhaustive pf, personal assistants to direct payment recipients, volunteers, people who use care and support, carers, regional services such as safeguarding boards, adoption, CAFCASS and Care Inspectorate Wales. This extends to work with the future supply of workforce and relevant initiatives with schools, Further Education, Higher Education and Employment schemes.” (Social Care Wales Grant Circular 2022/23)
Those who work in the social care sector may already be familiar with these training programmes however regardless of who is requesting a place, Team Manager approval must be sought before applying to attend any of the courses.
Each of the calendars have specific target audiences which is outlined in the full training directories but in general there are two types of eligibility, which as follows:
Eligibility to access learning and development events (excluding safeguarding calendars)
- Priority will be given to those working in the social care sector across RCT and Merthyr that have been commissioned by either local authority
- Once this demand has been exhausted then demand from other related services will be considered including: health; education; probation; police; early years settings; personal assistants with distribution being as equitable as possible to all services
- Lastly, any spare capacity will be given to any other service requesting access - examples of which could be leisure, housing association, communities first, wider community groups, etc
Eligibility to access safeguarding adults and children learning and development
- Priority will be given to those working in the social care sector across RCT and Merthyr that have been
- commissioned by either local authority and statutory partners i.e. health; education; probation; police; early years settings; with distribution being as equitable as possible to all services.
Any spare capacity will be given to any other service requesting access - examples of which could be leisure, housing association, communities first, wider community groups, etc.
NB - if there is a question of where a service/agency fits in terms of priority then a decision will be
reached by the relevant training officer and/or workforce development manager prior to confirming
Our safeguarding calendar is available on the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Safeguarding Board website. You will find extra information and resources here to support you .
If you need further information please contact the number found in the calendar or 01443 281444 or