Name: Henry Jones
Year Started (Apprenticeship): 2019
Current Position: Catering Services Apprentice
What did you do before starting the apprenticeship?
I worked for Barclays Bank in the Pontypridd and City of Cardiff as an Essential Banker, I was in this position for 2 years and I realised that it wasn’t for me and wanted a career change.
Why did you apply for the scheme?
I knew of friends who had already completed an Apprenticeship with RCT and I only heard great things about them so when I saw the jobs advertised I applied right away. I knew that the Council was a great organisation to work for before becoming an employee of theirs. The year I applied, there were a number of Apprenticeships advertised. The Catering Apprentice caught my eye and seemed like the perfect career change. After reading the job description and advert, I thought I would enjoy the position as it seemed very interesting. I applied for the job and was invited to interview. During the interview the Manager put me at ease and told me more about the job and what the role would entail. I was fortunate enough to be offered to post and was delighted to accept.
What development have you had since being with RCT?
Although I only started my Apprenticeship in September last year, I have already completed a number of training courses which include Level 3 Education and training, Level 3 Emergency first aid at work and Level 2 Food Safety. I am also working towards my Level 3 Business and Administration qualification. Within the Council I have access to The Source, I’ve also been able to complete a number of training modules here.
What were the highlights?
Honestly every day is a highlight, I can say that I love my job and the people that I work with make it as enjoyable as it is for me. The Council is a great organisation to work for and I do look forward to work each day as no day is the same.
Recommendations to Applicants:
Don’t be short sighted and think that the pay is poor because once you have finished your Apprenticeship if you are lucky enough to have a permanent position then the roles within the Council are well paid. Depending on your position you could have flexi time and that is a huge perk of the job in my eyes.